понедељак, 18. јануар 2016.

The Stooges - The Stooges [Full Album] 1969

1_ 1969 [00:00]
2_ I Wanna be your Dog [04:03]
3_ We Will Fall [07:10]
4_ No Fun [17.30]
5_ Real Cool Time [22:48]
6_ Ann (Album Version) [25:20]
7_ Not Right [28:20]
8_ Little Doll [31:10]
The Stooges nastaju 1967. u gradu Ann Arbor država Michigan. Prvo su se zvali Psychedelic Stooges. Sastav je osnovao James Osterberg poznatiji kao Iggy Pop nakon što je izbačen s University of Michigan. The Stooges su bili rock bend, ali ih mnogi svrstavaju pod protopunk i protometal jer su znatno utjecali na razvoj punk rocka i heavy metala.

Ime Iggy dobiva po svom prijašnjem sastavu "The Iguanas".


  • Iggy Pop-pjevač
  • Ron Asheton-gitara
  • Scot Asheton-bubanj
  • Dave Alexander-bas


Počeli su djelovati pod utjecajem The Doorsa, da bi kasnije pali pod utjecaj «agresivnijeg» rock benda MC 5. The Stooges sviraju kao predgrupa MC 5-u koji ih drže za mali bratski bend, tako da na njihovu preporuku The Stooges, nakon samo šest mjeseci postojanja 1968. potpisuju ugovor s diskografskom kućom «Elektra». Prvi album «The Stooges» je producirao John Cale član Velveta Undergrounda. Inače, oni su diskografskoj kući dostavili snimku s pet stvari ( 1969, we will fall, no fun, ann i now I wanna be your dog) ali im je diskografska kuća rekla da je to nedovoljno materijala za cijeli album. Zato, da bi snimili album, su prevarili diskografsku kuću i rekli im da imaju još hrpu pjesama, a zapravo su ostale pjesme (real cool time, litle doll, not right) napravili u jednu noć. Najpoznatija pjesma s tog albuma je «Now I wanna be your dog».

Album Funhouse i prvi raspad grupe

Novi album «Funhouse» izdaju 1970. godine. Album je još agresivniji od prvog, rokerskiji s elementima free jazza i funka. Na albumu se nalazi skladba LA blues koja je jedna od najbučnijih i najdisonantnijih skladbi u povijesti rocka. Međutim album je bio ispred svoga vremena pa je «Electra» raskinula ugovor s njima. U bend dolazi novi gitarista James Williamson, a stari gitarista prelazi na bas gitaru. Zvuk im postaje bliži klasičnom rocku, ali je Iggy Pop otišao na odvikavanje od heroina i Stooges se raspadaju.


Obnavljaju se 1972. na nagovor Davida Bowieja. Mijenjaju ime u Iggy and the Stooges i pod tim imenom 1973. izdaju album «Raw Power» za diskografsku kuću CBS. Na albumu se nalazi pjesma «Search and destroy» koja je postala neka vrsta rock himne. Međutim zbog problema s drogom grupa se opet raspada, a Iggy Pop započinje solo karijeru. Posljednji nastup Stoogesa je sačuvan na bootleg CD-u "Metallic K.O.". Uoči tog nastupa Iggy Pop je preko radio stanice izvrijeđao članove lokalne motociklističke bande, te ih pozvao da dođu na koncert i obračunaju se s njim. Oni su to učinili, a rezultat je vidljiv u imenu "Metallic K.O."

Iggy Pop: “I Was Pursuing A Brotherhood With The Stooges”

Get the new issue of MOJO now for this month’s candid, career-spanning interview with the punk pioneer.

The Stooges in 2013, with Scott Asheton right

HAVING FORMED A new band of brothers for his forthcoming album, Iggy Pop has also spoken candidly to MOJO about his bond with a different set of rock’n’roll siblings: The Stooges.

The cover of MOJO 269 on sale in the UK from Tuesday February 23, 2016.

Though looking ahead to new record Post Punk Depression – created with members of Queens Of The Stone Age and Arctic Monkeys – the punk prophet surveys his entire career in our latest issue (April 2016 / #269), on sale in the UK now.
Speaking about his Stooges bandmates, brothers Ron and Scott Asheton, he discusses the relationships which fuelled their creativity.
“I was very much pursuing a brotherhood with them,” Iggy tells MOJO’s Keith Cameron. “I never did get that close with Ron, but I will always credit him with being my best friend simply because this is showbiz, and he’s the first person that got behind me, and invested in me when I was nobody. So he gets the star.”
He describes the other Asheton, Scott, as somewhat more inscrutable.
“Scotty’s like a cat,” suggests Pop. “He’ll hang out, but he’ll play you. We did become friends very late in his life, and he was always very decent to me. He was fascinated by me in an offhand way.”
Don’t be an Idiot; get MOJO now for the full, emotional interview with Iggy, including how David Bowie “salvaged” his life, the inside story of the new record and the singer’s painfully honest reflections on his career.
Plus: this month’s issue comes with an exclusive free CD, Gimme Danger: A Desert Rock Compilation, which was created in association with Pop’s latest collaborator, Josh Homme.
The bespoke collection was curated by the QOTSA leader and features 14 outlaw rock tracks, including an exclusive release from Post Pop Depression itself, plus some raiding of Homme’s own Desert Sessions archive.
 The Stooges in 2013, with Scott Asheton right
Iggy mag-subs

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