субота, 3. децембар 2016.

Okultni Treci Rajh

When human hearts break and human souls despair, then from the twilight of the past, the great conquerors of distress and care, of shame and misery, of spiritual slavery and physical compulsion, look down and hold out their eternal hands to the despairing mortals. Woe to the people ashamed to grasp them !
– Adolf Hitler

A fundamental purpose of National Socialism was the creation of a healthy, pure and beautiful race, - where ‘health’ was understood within a particular aesthetic-ideological frame.
National Socialist aesthetics took shape in the collective actions and ideology of the NSDAP, and gave shape to numerous aspects of German life.
In developing National Socialist eugenics, the life sciences and holistic biology in particular served to enhance völkisch aesthetic ideals.
The enhancement of the Nordic Aryan race implied that, both ‘positive’ eugenic measures had to be taken to strengthen the quality of the race, and ‘negative’ eugenic measures needed to be taken to eliminate the procreation of ‘unfit’ individuals.
Aesthetic consideration, however, were concomitant with eugenic, biological considerations.
It should be noted that almost half of the highest levels of the government of the Third Reich were professional, or aspiring, artists.
Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels was a novelist and poet, Alfred Rosenberg, founder of the first 'National Socialist Society for Culture', was a painter and novelist, and Adolf Hitler had made his living as an artist before the Great War, and undoubtedly Hitler’s personal artistic inclinations found expression in much of the aesthetic culture of the Third Reich.
National Socialist public actions were undoubtedly direct outcomes of Hitler’s cultural an aesthetic beliefs.
Hitler points to the first time he saw the performance of Wagner’s opera ‘Rienzi’ as the hour when “it all began”.
This opera tells of Rienzi, a popular Roman leader, who leads the Romans to re-unite and re-instate the Roman Empire but who, due to a malicious conspiracy, suffers a tragic but glorious death. The figure of the heroic popular leader, the historical setting in antiquity, as well as the nationalism and racialism of Wagner himself, inspired Hitler and were, in many cases, reflected in the National Socialist culture.
Hitler designed the party standard in 1923 to closely resemble ancient Roman standards and borrowed the symbol of the swastika from ancient Minoan art
National Socialist mass rallies depict precise arrangements of disciplined, predominately male bodies in ordered, synchronized motion, taking their positions around the Führer.
These examples of collective action feature the Hitler as director and leading actor.
The ‘body’ of the ‘new’ German Volk, clean, disciplined and masculine, orients itself in attention to its ‘guiding principle’ –the Führer.
The monumental scale of these actions, the emblazoning of ancient symbols on young bodies, and the centering of it all around the Führer expressed in direct terms the culture of National Socialism: the reverence for the ancientand pure, - the masculine and monumental, and the vision of a united German Volk marching towards the realization of its higher purpose.
The aesthetic standards of National Socialist culture were ‘performed’ in more ways than one.
Art itself was made to express to völkisch, Aryan standards of beauty. 
Museum collections were actively ‘purged’ of non-Aryan Entartete Kunst (degenerate art), which often bore the marks of a ‘cultural Bolshevism’ instigated by Jews.
In juxtaposition to Entartete Kunst, the annual Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung, which started in 1937, presented the art that captured the aesthetic of National Socialism. Sculpture, in particular, was to become the state art form.
Using the preferred art medium of the ancient Greeks and Romans, sculptors like Thorak and Brecker carved marble and molded bronze into muscular male bodies, creating a vision of the ideal Aryan male.
Hitler’s inaugural speech for the Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung of 1939 testifies to the importance of the concept of beauty in the Third Reich.
In celebration of the acquisition of the ancient Greek statue of the Discobolus of Myron, Hitler urges his audience:
'Let us perceive how splendid Man’s physical beauty once was, and how we may only speak of progress when we have not only achieved such beauty, but even surpassed it. May we find here a measure of the tasks which confront us in our time ! May we strive, as one, for beauty and elevation such that both our race, and our art will withstand the judgment of the millennia.'

Die Ästhetik der arischen Rasse
At the heart of völkisch philosophy is the axiom that all the races of the present day, and all the races of recorded history, are heavily degraded, and that it is the natural tendency for such degradation to increase over time, due to natural selection consistently eliminating the noble in favour of the ignoble.

'Noble Traits'
Der Geist des Sieges - after Franz von Stuck
© Copyright Zac Sawyer 2014
It follows that, tracing backwards in time, the noble traits that historically have appeared only rarely in individual cases might well have been the norm of at least one prehistoric root race, which is known as the Aryan race. 
Biologically, the arising of such a race could be described as an accident of genetic mutations occurring in a window of favourable environmental conditions which did not last (but which authentic National Socialism aims to re-create).
Teleologically, what other purpose could there be for a race whose nobility leads them to have no attachment to the material world in which they have arisen, if not to help the rest of living creation transcend it also?
In Hitler’s words:
There have been human beings, in the simian category, for at least three hundred thousand years. There is less distance between the man-ape and the ordinary modern man than there is between the ordinary modern man and a man like Schopenhauer.

Archetypes of Prehistoric Man

Our ancestors were all peasants. There were no hunters amongst them — hunters are only degenerate peasants.”                                                                                                        
Adolf Hitler

Prior to complex economic civilization, that permits a multitude of superimposable survival strategies within a single society, humans lived for perhaps hundreds of millenia in small groups in the wild, where natural selection eliminated people mainly according to their failure to provide food, and failure to defend themselves against attackers.
Consequently, the prehistoric root races and their archetypes - whose influences continue to be perceptible even in the present day - were created according to the distinct lifestyles of that epoch.

Pre-human Apes - Neanderthals
Cro-Magnon Man
The oldest human lifestyles are gathering and hunting, a direct continuation from the lifestyles of pre-human apes, however, whereas human gathering techniques were not significantly different than ape (e.g. gorilla) gathering techniques, human hunting techniques were much more advanced than ape (e.g. chimpanzee) hunting techniques, such as involving use of sharpened weapons.
Thus the hunter archetype dominated throughout the Paleolithic era, especially in the colder climates outside of Africa where gathering alone was generally inadequate to supply enough food.
It is expressed in honest tribalists who prefer to use overt violence to subdue their victims.
We consider a majority of historical and modern humans to belong to this archetype, and call them Gentiles (root “gentilis” meaning “of a tribe”), or simply barbarians.
Later, during the Epipaleolithic or Mesolithic era, some populations developed a lifestyle of herding, which was much more energy-efficient than hunting.
Accompanying changes in selective pressure created a 'herder archetype'.
It is expressed in dishonest tribalists who prefer to use mostly deception and manipulation - including pretending to be universalists – to subdue their victims.
(In the Tanakh, the herder’s racial triumph over the hunter is allegorically depicted in the story of Esau vs Jacob.)
A significant and disproportionately influential minority of historical and modern humans belong to this archetype, and are referred to as Jews (root “Yah-udeh” meaning “praise Yahweh”).
The term “Turanian” has also been used in the past.
Mutations for nobility might have occurred many times in individuals among hunter or herder populations, however, they would have been quickly terminated by natural selection each time they occurred, being mal-adaptive to the lifestyle of the population.
Only when a new lifestyle of farming was first developed by some populations, at the beginning of the Neolithic era, were conditions anomalously suitable for such traits to thrive and form a new 'farmer archetype'.
It is expressed in honest universalists unwilling to victimize others for their own benefit.
These were the original Aryans, the first bearers of the swastika.
The Jews referred to Aryans as עֲמָלֵק (Amalek), meaning “valley dweller”, consistent with early farm settlements being based around river basins, however, in the ensuing spread of farming technology to the Gentiles and Jews, their naturally prolific races rapidly increased in number as carrying capacity rose with food supply, and mixed with the Aryans who had originally brought them farming.

Aryan Strands in History

If one wished to describe the history of the Aryans, he would have to admit that today the Aryan has vanished except for a few very small traces.” – Alfred Rosenberg

Alfred Rosenberg
In order for a root race to form, the entire society must be engaged in the same lifestyle, so that the entire gene pool is being selected for the same heritable traits.
This has not been the case since the beginning of recorded history, due to the wide variety of occupations available in complex economic society (especially after the appearance of cities and money), such that newly mutated heritable traits mal-adaptive to one occupation could easily be adaptive to another, leading to many concurrent, overlapping survival strategies in the same society.
And because people generally do not reproduce strictly within their occupation (not even in societies with caste systems), the traits mix often, so that instead of evolutionary drift in a single direction, we have had evolutionary diffusion in no particular direction.
Thus no new root race has been able to form throughout history; instead historical cultures have been formed mostly by struggle between the conflicting traits of the old root races and their respective influences on society.
The question, therefore, is where we might try to find the Aryan influences.
Some theories (favoured by Alfred Rosenberg) posit that degraded but discernible Aryan genetics continued for a time in the hereditary ruling classes of early historical dynasties, which would account for them being, on the whole, superior to the masses they ruled (hence the term ‘aristocracy’), though still far from the Golden Age ideal.
Ruling classes were generally more conscious of breeding than the masses when it came to mate selection, but this does not imply that they chose according to Aryan standards, and even if they did, this does not imply that ideal choices were always available.

Dr. Joseph Goebbels
Other theories (favoured by Dr. Joseph Goebbels) posit that Aryan genetic continuities in the ancient world might have persisted among the most rural and isolated peasant farming communities, where – in contrast to metropolitan environments - daily life and hence selective pressure were least affected by the increasingly complexifying economy.
But records are lacking that refer to especially noble peasant cultures, partly because records rarely focus on rural life in the first place, and partly because the vast majority of rural communities would still have been non-Aryan even if such theories were true.
Geographically, it has been speculated that populations living near river valleys may have more Aryan blood than those living deeper inland, on the grounds that inland migration was driven by population expansion in excess of the carrying capacity of the original riverside settlements.
Aryan individuals might also have been more likely than average to be drawn towards esoteric monastic orders of antiquity, which both actively selected for aspects of nobility among its membership and offered an alternative environment to the degenerate mainstream civilization.
Such orders tended to promote celibacy, and therefore would have functioned as focused exit points of Aryan genetics, even as they produced cultural influence.
This does not imply that absence of such orders would have significantly increased the Aryan demographic, however, as it is not religion but innate nobility that causes Aryans to be far less prolific than non-Aryans.

Physical Attributes

Slim and slender, fast as a greyhound, tough as leather and hard as Krupp steel.
Adolf Hitler
Arnno Breker
Slim and slender, fast as a greyhound,
tough as leather and hard as Krupp steel

The Aryan lifestyle was settled (as opposed to nomadic), with similar stamina-based physical labour for both men and women, cereal-based diet and long-term food storage.
Physical attributes mal-adaptive to more primitive lifestyles but adaptive to this lifestyle include high metabolism, slow maturation and low sexual dimorphism.

Sexual dimorphism
Sexual dimorphism is a phenotypic difference between males and females of the same species. Examples of such differences include differences in morphology, size and behavior.
Obvious differences between males and females include all the features related to reproductive role, notably the endocrine (hormonal) systems and their physiological and behavioural effects. Such undisputed sexual dimorphism includes differentiation among gonads, internal genitals, external genitals, breasts, muscle mass, height, and hair.
Skeletal Gracility
Allach Fencer

Particular heritable traits statistically correlate with these attributes and with each other (as well as being anecdotally associated with high spiritual quality by ancient historians), and hence are theoretically likely Aryan traits, many of which were proposed in National Socialist Germany.
Examples include high facial anglehigh digit ratioleptoprosopy, (possessing a facial index of 90.0 - 94.9; long-/narrow-faced) skeletal gracility(gracefully thin or slender) ectomorphy (having a light, slender body structure) lactose intoleranceblood type A1.
It is generally considered that the Aryan race would possess great physical beauty, reflecting their noble character.
This is easy to understand once we consider that more idealistic people are less likely to accept sexual partners who fall short of their aesthetic ideals, but that such idealism only works when an entire population practices it.


You will display to the world what has long been obvious to you, and what you have expressed in past years, often unconsciously.” – Rudolf Hess

Rudolf Hess
Adolf Wamper
'Genius des Siegers'
The Aryan race is associated with the introduction of asceticism to civilization.
While religion existed among both Jews and Gentiles, both types used it solely to derive worldly benefits.
Only the arrival of Aryan thinking changed the focus of religion to pursuit of transcendent spiritual ideals.
This is reflected in many prehistoric customs even before formalization into religious systems.
Instead of burying or attempting to preserve their dead, and enshrining their tombs, Aryans burned their dead, and scattered the ashes.
Instead of the otherwise ubiquitous fertility goddess, Aryans conceived of a virgin goddess, and honoured chastity (both male and female), not merely prior to marriage but as an admirable path in its own right.
Instead of viewing humanity as distinct from the rest of the living world, Aryans saw fundamental unity of all creatures under the sun, a sentiment implicit in the symbolism of theswastika.

Noble Savages

In all historical civilizations there have been outlying individuals - so-called “self-haters” – who morally despised the traditional cultures into which we were born.
Nor do we see prospects of these cultures improving over time, but are convinced that they were fallen from the outset, and that the further they ‘advance’ along this fallen path, the worse they will become.
Such individuals often turn romantically to the distant past, convinced that the only salvation lies in abandoning the present order, returning to the beginning and choosing a different, more noble path.
In the words of Miguel Serrano:
By saying ‘Aryan race’, we say it all. Because this term is esoteric, referring to an initiation that permits men to be born anew, for the second time.”
Such individuals, who may differ in language, religion and other aspects of background, and who may or may not display the physical attributes mentioned above, are yet bound together by a common collective memory.


Those who have a beautiful physique should be brought into the foreground, so that they might encourage the development of a beautiful bodily form among the people in general.
– Adolf Hitler

Æesthetics (also spelled aesthetics) is a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of art, beauty, and taste, with the creation and appreciation of beauty. It is more scientifically defined as the study of sensory or sensori-emotional values, sometimes called judgments of sentiment.

Aryan Male Nude

More broadly, scholars in the field define aesthetics as "critical reflection on art, culture and nature."

Greece had the most influence on the development of aesthetics in the West. This period of Greek art saw a veneration of the human physical form and the development of corresponding skills to show musculature, poise, beauty and anatomically correct proportions. Furthermore, in many Western and Eastern cultures alike, traits such as body hair are rarely depicted in art that addresses physical beauty. In contrast with this Greek-Western aesthetic taste is the non-Aryan genre of the grotesque.

Greek philosophers initially felt that aesthetically appealing objects were beautiful in and of themselves. Plato believed that for us to have a perception of beauty there must be a transcendent form for beauty in which beautiful objects partake and which causes them to be beautiful also.
He felt that beautiful objects incorporated proportion, harmony, and unity among their parts. Similarly, in the Metaphysics, Aristotle found that the universal elements of beauty were order, symmetry, and definiteness.
Aesthetic Universals
Expertise or virtuosity
Humans cultivate, recognize, and admire technical artistic skill
Non-utilitarian pleasure. 
People enjoy art for art's sake
Style. Artistic objects and performances satisfy rules of composition that place them in a recognizable style. 
People make a point of appreciating, and interpreting works of art. 
Imitation. works of art simulate experiences of the world. 
Special focus. Art is set aside from ordinary life and made a dramatic focus of experience.
Aesthetics is the science of the sense experiences, a younger sister of logic, and beauty is thus the most perfect kind of knowledge that sense experience can have.

Immanuel Kant
Friedrich Schiller
For Immanuel Kant the aesthetic experience of beauty is a judgement of a subjective but similar human truth, since all people should agree that "this rose is beautiful" if it in fact is.
For Friedrich Schiller aesthetic appreciation of beauty is the most perfect reconciliation of the sensual and rational parts of human nature.
For Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, the philosophy of art is the "organon" of philosophy concerning the relation between man and nature.
So aesthetics began now to be the name for the philosophy of art.
Friedrich von Schlegel, August Wilhelm Schlegel, Friedrich Schleiermacher and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel have also given lectures on aesthetics as philosophy of art after 1800.
For Hegel all culture is a matter of "absolute spirit" coming to be manifest to itself, stage by stage, changing to a perfection that only philosophy can approach.

Georg Hegel
Arthur Schopenhauer
Art is the first stage in which the 'absolute spirit' is manifest immediately to sense-perception, and is thus an objective rather than subjective revelation of beauty.
For Arthur Schopenhauer aesthetic contemplation of beauty is the most free that the pure intellect can be from the dictates of will; here we contemplate perfection of form without any kind of worldly agenda, and thus any intrusion of utility or politics would ruin the point of the beauty.
It is thus for Schopenhauer one way to fight the suffering.
Hitler placed much emphasis on 'Aryan aesthetics' as a way to unite people and give them sense of purpose, thereby turning them into a 'volk'.

In his own words:
Admiration for everything that is great is not only a tribute to one creative personality but that all those who feel such admiration become thereby united under one will.
This includes not only the formal arts, but also aesthetics in daily life.

In line with the positivity of National Socialism, aesthetics should not offer escapism from ordinary activities, but should try to complement them.

To be modern only means to fill new forms with eternal truths.
Joseph Goebbels

Sincerity is the basis of Aryan artwork, be it visual, musical, literary, dramatic or any other field. Artwork should be driven neither by desire to impress viewers with one’s talent or erudition, nor by desire to experiment with or manipulate viewers’ reactions, but purely by the intent to eternalize emotions.
From the perspective of the artist, the viewer should not be visualized during the process of production.
From the perspective of the viewer, the artist should not be visible in the finished product. Furthermore, emotions that are temporal in character are inherently incapable of being eternalized, thereby are automatically excluded from consideration.

© Copyright Zac Sawyer 2014
Vitruvian Aryan Man
© Copyright Vittorio Carvelli 2015
Aryan Racial Archetype
Physical appearance of the human body depends on how closely a person represents a racial archetype.
Plain people are nowhere near any archetype; striking people approximate some archetype. Which archetype we aspire towards reflects our racial idealism.
We can recognize nearness to an archetype, hence have our attention drawn to that person among a crowd of plainer people, but if we dislike the archetype itself, we will feel disgust rather than admiration.
This is no different than when we read a well-written essay promoting ignoble ideas; the skillful language only adds to our revulsion towards the barbaric content.

© Copyright Vittorio Carvelli 2015
Quality - not Ethnicity
Only those whose type approximate an archetype that we like will be found beautiful by us.
It is important to understand that a black Angora cat and a white Angora cat are both Angora cats - cats of the same race or breed, with a slight variation.
A black Angora cat, and a black “gutter” cat, are not of the same race or breed, even if they both be also entirely of the same color (of hair and skin).
In Hitler’s words:
The differences between the various peoples should not prevent us from recognizing the community of race which unites them on a higher plane.”
Racial idealism is about quality, not ethnicity.


The body expresses our very being. The striving for beauty is inborn among the Aryan.”
Baldur von Schirach.

© Copyright Vittorio Carvelli 2015
Neoteny also called juvenilization, is one of the three ways by which pedomorphism can arise. Pedomorphism is the retention by adults of traits previously seen only in juveniles, and is a subject studied in the field of developmental biology. In neoteny, the physiological (or somatic) development of an organism (typically an animal) is slowed or delayed. In contrast, in progenesis, sexual development occurs faster. Both processes result in pedomorphism. Ultimately this process results in the retention, in the adults of a species, of juvenile physical characteristics well into maturity and pedogenesis (paedogenesis), the reproduction in a neotenized state.
Neoteny is one of three dimensions of heterochrony, or the change in timing of developmental events: acceleration (faster) vs. neoteny (slower), hypermorphosis (further) vs. progenesis (not as far), and predisplacement (begins earlier) vs. postdisplacement (begins later).
The word neoteny is borrowed from the German Neotenie, the latter constructed from the Greek νέος (neos, young) and τείνειν (teínein, tend to). The adjective form of the word is either "neotenous" or "neotenic". The opposite of neoteny is either called "gerontomorphic" or "peramorphic".

Consider the ape child and the adult ape (same species) -
Clearly the child’s oval skull shape is far nearer the Aryan ideal.
The adult’s crown is depressed, forehead sloped, brow ridge, nose, jaw and chin heavy and prominent.
In fact, the ape child has a higher crown and forehead, and a lighter brow, nose, jaw and chin than many non-Aryan human adults.
This shows that, by Aryan standards, physical maturation is biological degradation to an inferior level, consistent with Original Nobility and subsequent corruption. (The same is actually true of non-primates also, though this requires more skill to perceive.)
Young children, free of future forms as yet undreamed, unborn, lived as they lived in such Spaces as became, made, began to shape them.

© Copyright Peter Crawford 2015
Aryan Female Perfection
© Copyright Vittorio Carvelli 2015
Aryan Male Perfection
Even adults with exemplary Aryan facial angle cannot match children in forehead amplitude. 
Some say that the “Aryan look” is characterized as being as far removed from the “Neanderthal look” (ie. low crown, sloping forehead, heavy brow ridge, heavy nose, heavy jaw and chin) as possible.
This is incidentally true, but only insofar as Neanderthals are on average less neotenous than Homo Sapiens.
The qualitative reason why we value a high crown, high forehead, minimal brow ridge, light nose, light jaw and light chin is because these approximate the condition in which we were born, when our crowns and foreheads dominated our skull and were actually open - the only condition that supposedly allows the “halo” and the “third eye” (both aids to transcending the material world) to operate freely.
While this condition is lost as soon as the skull sutures close, having a high crown and forehead at least leaves marginally more room inside the skull in the corresponding locations.
Once these close, we start accepting the world.
Maintaining our idealism hereafter requires active struggle.
Note that cranial capacity is a different measurement, and irrelevant to us.
What matters is not the total volume, but rather the layout.
A skull with a sloping forehead can have a larger cranial capacity than a skull with a high forehead, but whereas cranial capacity correlates merely with IQ test scores and other non-moral attributes, it is the high forehead that is believed to correlate with nobility (Adel).
Prior to association with foppery, the term “high-brow” (ie. non-sloping forehead with no brow ridge) originally referred to Aryan skull shape and its association with moral idealism.
Neoteny is not to be confused with paedomorphy or “baby-faced” appearance.
Many adults described as “baby-faced”, usually with shorter round or square face shapes, look very different from how they looked as children, and in many cases only started looking ”baby-faced” after puberty.

© Copyright Zac Sawyer 2015
 Lower Sexual Dimorphism
Such types are 'paedomorphic' but not neotenous.
The neotenous, usually with a longer oval face shape, are those who as adults retain to a greater extent the look they had as children, in other words those upon whom maturation had a relatively light effect (which also implies lower sexual dimorphism).
The difference between neoteny and paedomorphy becomes most obvious at middle age when the paedomorphic start appearing visibly worn out while the neotenous still look youthful.
It is notoriously difficult to guess the age of people with Aryan bone structure.
The opposite error is to assume that a long face is automatically an Aryan face.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
There are plenty of long faces with heavy, non-neotenous facial features which are most definitely non-Aryan !
Such faces are usually oblong in shape, as opposed to the Aryan oval.
The Aryan oval virtually leaves no room for the possibility of heavy features.

The Aryan Physique
Genuine neoteny is associated closely with ectomorphy.
The ectoderm is the original germ layer of the embryo, with the endoderm and mesoderm being subsequent corruptions.
Ectomorphy, which is predominance of the ectoderm over the endoderm and mesoderm after birth, is thus neoteny at a very fundamental level.
Here too appears the parallel with low sexual dimorphism: whereas mesomorphy is archetypically masculine and endomorphy is archetypically feminine, ectomorphy represents biological repudiation of both these archetypes in favour of Original Nobility (Ur-Adels).
(It is on this account that ectodermic healthcare systems (e.g. chiropractic, acupuncture) are more therapeutic on Aryan patients, whereas mesodermic or endodermic remedies are more therapeutic on non-Aryan patients.
A strong ectoderm subdues the mesoderm and the endoderm.
A subdued mesoderm produces gracile (as opposed to robust) bones, higher proportion of slow-twitch/Type I (as opposed to fast-twitch/Type II) muscles and low muscle mass.
A subdued endoderm produces low, evenly distributed body fat.
The strong ectoderm itself produces focused scalp hair (as opposed to body hair) growth.
All these are neotenous traits.

William Herbert Sheldon
Sheldon's "somatotypes" and their associated physical traits can be summarized as follows:
Ectomorphic: characterized by long and thin muscles/limbs and low fat storage; usually referred to as slim. Ectomorphs are not predisposed to store fat nor build muscle.
Mesomorphic: characterized by medium bones, solid torso, low fat levels, wide shoulders with a narrow waist; usually referred to as muscular. Mesomorphs are predisposed to build muscle but not store fat.
Endomorphic: characterized by increased fat storage, a wide waist and a large bone structure, usually referred to as fat. Endomorphs are predisposed to storing fat.
William Herbert Sheldon, Jr. (November 19, 1898 - September 17, 1977) was an American psychologist. He created the field of somatotypes, and constitutional psychology, that tried to correlate body types with behavior, intelligence.

© Copyright Peter Crawford 2014
A Lean, Long-Limbed, Fine-Boned Physique
The combined result is a lean, long-limbed, fine-boned physique that looks youthful through most of life, and which is by no coincidence ergonomically suited to the Neolithic subsistence farming lifestyle that involved repetitive, stamina-based labour in a wider variety of sustained physical positions than were required for the more primitive hunting and herding lifestyles.
On the issue of height, neotenous faces are rarer among taller people, due to more overall bone growth during puberty leading to a heavier brow ridge, nose, jaw and chin.
But this means that a person who manages to have a neotenous face despite being tall (more common with ectomorphs, involving proportionately longer legs) is a particularly outstanding specimen of Aryan phenotype, and superior to a shorter person with a similarly neotenous face.

Ideal Proportions - Aryan Male
In other words, height is valued only among the neotenous, not as an independent factor.
Emphatically, tallness in combination with heavy facial features (more common with mesomorphs or endomorphs, involving a proportionately longer torso).
Finally, the rumour (endlessly promoted by the Jewish-owned media) about “Nazi” obsession with blond hair/blue eyes is a vicious distortion.
If two people had blond hair/blue eyes as children but one retains it as he grows up while the other loses it, then the former is more neotenous and therefore superior to the latter.
This and nothing else is the authentic National Socialist proposition.

 The Aryan Phenotype
On no account could this possibly extend to comparison with a person who never had blond hair/blue eyes even as a child, because in this case absence of blond hair/blue eyes as an adult is no indication of non-neoteny. 
Whether or not we are personally lucky enough (and most of us are not) to possess the Aryan phenotype, we should present ourselves in daily life as though we do possess it.
By this we mean that we should be wholly honest about our physical appearance and not try to enhance it through artificial means.
Cosmetic products or cosmetic surgery must be understood as means of aesthetic deception and therefore unethical to all onlookers (in addition to being economically wasteful).
A National Socialist state would outlaw all cosmetic surgery except for facial reconstruction following disfiguring accidents, and even in such cases surgery should only attempt to restore the pre-accident appearance rather than opportunistically alter it.
By similar reasoning, makeup would be available only to actors who need greasepaint to look on stage/screen how they ordinarily look without makeup.
The truth is that contrast-increasing makeup (e.g. eye shadow, lipstick, rouge, etc.) only improves the non-Aryanface; the Aryan face is so well-proportioned that increased contrast only makes it look worse.
The beauty of an Aryan face
The beauty of an Aryan face
The beauty of an Aryan face comes from superior geometry, not superficial shading.
If you have an Aryan face, people will remember you young even when they see you old.
(Also, Aryan hairline does not significantly recede.)
Moreover, we need not spend too much time worrying about decor, such as hair, clothes and accessories.
Whereas the aesthetic appeal of non-Aryan phenotypes are heavily dependent on their accompanying styles, the Aryan phenotype is so well-proportioned that it spontaneously makes its accompanying style look good, whatever that style may be.
A person with Aryan physiognomy can wear a T-shirt or pajamas and still project an impression of being better-dressed than a person with non-Aryan physiognomy wearing formal attire – a phenomenon known as “biological aristocracy”.
Whether you like dressing down, or you want to romanticize peasant life, or you want to look heroic, having an Aryan skull makes it a lot easier.

The most sublime beauty owes its nobility of shape, in the last analysis, to the fact that the most beautiful form is the form that is best suited to the purpose it is meant to serve.”
Adolf Hitler

While 'werewolf' symbolism refers mostly to personality, some consider Aryan skulls to look 'werewolf-like'.
Physical appearance is evolutionarily related to spiritual quality in feelings of sexual attraction.
Specifically, an idealistic person is sexually attracted only to those of near-perfect beauty, whereas most people have much lower standards, so that while they too would doubtless prefer a sexual partner of great beauty, it is not a necessary condition for them to feel sexual attraction.
This implies that, in any society where individuals of great beauty are unavailable as spouses to idealists, idealistic bloodlines would quickly go extinct (because idealists would rather stay single than lower their standards), as has in fact been steadily occurring throughout history.
The full solution to reverse this demographic problem requires a highly specialized application of state control over reproduction, but a prerequisite for this solution is a considerably higher proportion of individuals of great beauty than is currently possessed by any society in the world.
Thus, in the rigorous world of National Socialist methodology, the demographic improvement of physical appearance goes hand in hand with the demographic improvement of spiritual quality.

Aryan Aesthetics and the Arts

When we go above and beyond the body, the spirit, the state, and the symbols we use, there we can see how all of those elements interact and compliment each other.
This is a grand scale of aesthetics - the 'Aesthetics of a Culture'
As culture is the expression of an ideal, materialism can never produce culture.

Karl Marx
Materialism has taken hold of the bourgeoisie through the influence of Marxism, an invention of the Jews.
They are the true adversary of the Germanic world view.

Jews cannot produce culture, but they do serve a function: symbolizing all that is evil, they spur the Aryan on to struggle against them and thus to become ever more conscious of his own race. 

Hitler placed much emphasis on Aryan aesthetics as a way to unite people and give them sense of purpose, thereby turning them into a folk.

In his own words:
“Admiration for everything that is great is not only a tribute to one creative personality but that all those who feel such admiration become thereby united under one covenant.”
This includes not only the formal arts, but also aesthetics in daily life.

The Intent to Externalize Emotions

'Dying Warrior'
Arno Breker
The Intent to Externalize Emotions
Arno Breker
In line with the positivity of National Socialism, aesthetics should not offer escapism from ordinary activities, but should try to complement them.
Sincerity is the basis of Aryan artwork, be it visual, musical, literary, dramatic or any other field.
Artwork should be driven neither by desire to impress viewers with one’s talent, or erudition (Aryan tendency), nor by desire to experiment with, or manipulate viewers’ reactions (Jewish tendency), but purely by the intent to externalize emotions.

From the perspective of the artist, the viewer should not be visualized during the process of production.

From the perspective of the viewer, the artist should not be visible in the finished product. Furthermore, emotions that are temporal in character are inherently incapable of being externalized, thereby are automatically excluded from consideration

Ancient Roman Sculpture
Pantheon - Rome
The Aryan art was characterized by a style of Romantic realism based on classical models.
Hitler saw Greek and Roman art as uncontaminated by Jewish influences.

Modern 'art' was seen as an act of aesthetic violence by Jews, internationalists and communists against the German spirit.

The nature of art that was indecipherable, distorted, or that represented "depraved" subject matter is explained through the concept of 'Entartung' (degeneracy), which held that distorted and corrupted art was a symptom of an inferior race - or a denial of a true racial heritage.

Schloss Freudenberg, Wiesbaden
Paul Schultze-Naumburg
Belief in an 'Arische Seele' or 'Arische Geist' - (Aryan spirit) - defined as mystical, rural, moral, bearing ancient wisdom, noble in the face of a tragic destiny - existed long before the rise of the National Socialism; Richard Wagnercelebrated such ideas in his work.
Beginning before World War I the well-known German architect and painter Paul Schultze-Naumburg's influential writings, which invoked racial theories in condemning modern 'art' and architecture, supplied much of the basis for Adolf Hitler's belief that classical Greece and Rome were the true sources of Aryan art.

“To be modern only means to fill new forms with eternal truths.”
Joseph Goebbels
Integrity is the basis of Aryan edifice.
Conceptually, one theme should be reflected throughout all construction; it should not be possible to receive different impressions of the construction via viewing different parts in isolation.

Motivationally, construction should not function to partition us away from the unpleasant aspects of life, but should rather keep us in touch with these aspects so that empathy is cultivated. Luxury and ostentation of wealth are unacceptable.
Adolf Hitler was an admirer of Imperial Rome, and believed that some ancient Germans had, over time, become part of its social fabric and exerted influence on it.
He considered the Romans an early Aryan empire, and emulated their architecture in an original style inspired by both Neoclassicism and 'Art Deco', sometimes known as "Severe" Deco, erecting edifices as cult sites in the Third Reich.

Zeppelinfeld Tribune - Nürnberg Reichsparteitag
He also ordered construction of a type of Altar of Victory, borrowed from the Greeks, who were, according to Nazi ideology, inseminated with the seed of the Aryan peoples.
The most important Architect in the Third Reich was Albert Speer.
Berthold Konrad Hermann Albert Speer, (March 19, 1905 – September 1, 1981) was born in Mannheim, into a wealthy middle class family.
Speer followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather and studied architecture.
Hitler commissioned him to design and construct a number of structures, including the Reich Chancellery and the Zeppelinfeld stadium in Nuremberg where Party Rallieswere held. Speer also made plans to reconstruct Berlin on a grand scale, with huge buildings, wide boulevards, and a reorganized transportation system.

Hitler’s favourite sculptor was Professor Arno Breker whose works memorably complemented the architecture and general aesthetics of the Third Reich.
The fact that his works were mostly commissions does not lessen their respectability - contrary to what modern-day critics would like people to believe - but demonstrates that sincere personal expression and wholehearted public service are not only not mutually exclusive but can even be mutually supportive when a purpose exists to unite the two.

Aryan Male and Female
('You and I')
Arno Breker
Aryan man
Arno Breker
Arno Breker was born in Elberfeld, Northern German, on July 19th, 1900.
In his late teens be began the study of stone-carving and anatomy and at age 20 began attending the Duesseldolf Academy of Arts where he began his study of sculpture and an immensely successful art career.
His work between 1933 and 1942 was most noted for its classical approach to the human form which depicts men and women in timeless glory, youth, potential, honor, desire, hope, and possibility.
Works such as 'Comradeship' (1940) express a powerful anguish as the state of the world and a simultaneous promise to one's comrades that their loss will be redeemed. In a similar vein are 'Torchbearer' (1940), 'Sacrifice' (1940), and 'Predestination' (1941).
Touching on the traditional relationships between men and women are the powerfully naturalistic 'You and I' (1940) and the classically inspired 'Apollo and Daphne' (1940).


Display of art is crucial, as the purpose of Aryan artwork is void if the work is never viewed.
Art should avoid being intended exclusively for the tastes of the highly educated, but rather attempt to coincide with the popular and public aesthetic of the state.

 Haus der Deutschen Kunst
This necessitates the preference for public art forms capable of being integrated into the habitat or otherwise view-able without excursive planning or expensive visitors’ fees.
This can be seen prominently during the Third Reich, where the production of paintings and stage performances was relatively low, while sculpture, architecture and street performances became symbolic of the regime, and significant focus was placed on the then relatively new media of film and television.

The Occult History of the Third Reich

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