уторак, 16. фебруар 2016.

WikiLeaks about Diamond Way of Buddhisam nowdays

:Ole Nydahl Diamond Way Buddhist books



Good sources for information on Ole Nydahl & His Diamond Way cult

Question about Phowa

I attended a lecture by Ole Nydahl recently which made me a little uneasy, and raised a lot of the concerns I see here (for-profit organisation masquerading as charity, Ole concentrating on sexuality and hatred of Islam, strange choices for a Lama).
More importantly, he spoke about Phowa. He claimed (and some members present agreed) that when he gives Phowa (5-day meditation retreats) your spirit can be transmitted through your head and a small *bleeding wound* will magically appear on your head.
That bothers me plenty. First, it sounds like a classic cult trick "miracle" to make you believe in the power of their methods. Also, Wikipedia says this about Phowa: "Some lineages of Phowa are also practiced which include a rite of incision, or opening of the sahasrara (see artificial cranial deformation) at the cranial zenith, to assist with transferral." This indicates someone knowingly cuts your head, no magic involved. The Diamond Way version definitely mentioned nothing about someone else cutting you, but logically there's no other way. Disturbing.

Although no hole opened at the top of my head when I did a three week bardo retreat where phowa was practiced with a Tibetan Lama, I could feel the energy moving up my body from my heart up to the top of my head. The lama came and felt my crown, but there was not sign. Still, I could feel the energy move up and knock against the top of my head. It is not a leap to think that some people are better than this than I am, or are more karmically ready, have clearer channels, or have a more potent transmitting teacher. They do not go around cutting your head, but in the thousands of years of these practices being done, there are always those who have gone to extremes.
Although I do not consider Ole Nydahl my teacher, and I am not attracted to his personality, style, or sometimes racist leaning teachings, I can vouch that he carries a very potent mystic energy which can affect others in a positive way (perhaps negatively too, I don't know). I took "refuge" with him initially and after he places the Karmapa's relics on my head and transmitted energies, I had about 3 days of elevated experiences, "magical" experiences and interactions with the outer world, and experiences of phenomena and beauty which were similar to ones I had years before when I had done psychedelics. I cannot take refuge in Ole because his mentality often seems low-minded, petty, divisive and ego-centric, but he definitely has some mystical power. He has done phowa so much, that I think he is especially good at transmitting bliss and helping people to leave their bodies. Around him, I also had internal experiences which are hard to describe, but are spiritual. So, it is understandable that so many people are affected by him. I don't know what his actual state of mind is, but I can tell you that in this world, people are usually more impressed by quantity than quality, by some blissful experience rather than true compassion, and by power rather than purity. Although I do not disagree with some of Ole's views, and perhaps he sees himself as a protector of Europe, his anti-Muslim discourses are a bit frightening in their potential. He certainly sees himself as a wrathful protector and perhaps is some kind of one, but he is also fascinated by war and aggression like a young boy is. He is very honest in his getting off on the adrenaline of war, as I remember him saying during the first Gulf War. Although this is true, I decided not to get any more teachings from him because I wanted my teacher to be more than seem to be energy junkie type of mind. It is like the difference between Osho and Ammachi (or any other Sat Guru). Osho was a spiritual librarian, a moon, who spoke very wonderfully and allowed people to learn more about themselves and dharmic notions. He was good for the world, but he was not like a Sun who is a manifestation of creation, humility, responsibility, and the most ancient. Variuos teachers are good for the world. Some of them cause some harm too. But there is very little question about the victorious and overwhelming compassion of the most realized beings. Thank you.

A trio of short meditation guides.

The linked material contains three booklets each describing a meditation ritual:
- "16th Karmapa Meditation", published in 2002, guides the reader through the basic ideas and principles of meditation for this religion.
- "Black Coat", published in 2003, gives "a short invocation of Black Coat, the central protector of the Karma Kagyu School". Metaphors of possible blood sacrifice and cannibalism are present, but symbolized by "a cup of tea together with a biscuit, which is then thrown away afterwards".
This is on a symbolic level only. And this is also the reason why this is not available on the Internet, but you at least have to go to a Buddhist teacher or center (not necessarily DW), before getting it. Symbols like blood and sculls basically means cutting through disturbing/detructive emotions like anger or greed. It is an old Tibetan invocation; if you consider this a sign of a cult, you must consider all Tibetan Buddhism cult. Dalai Lama included.
I don't know about the author of this post, but I for one do -in fact- see Vajrayana as intrinsically culty. When one analyzes the adaptations that Buddhism made to fit the cultural ideologies of the countries it spread to, it becomes perfectly clear that Vajrayana stepped much further out of the paradigm set forth by the 4 Noble Truths and the 8 Fold Path than [most] Mahayana schools. Animistic Shamanism had been present in Tibet prior to the arrival of Guru Padmasambhava in the early 800's, whereupon silly notions such as Phowa were developed to offer spiritual salvation to the people. In fact, part of the story of Siddartha Gautama was that he turned away from Hinduism due to the degrading consequences that the idea of Karma had on the people of India (i.e. developing a caste system). So the fact that Vajrayana jumped back on to the "good karma/bad karma" bandwagon is a spit in the face to the Buddha himself. Furthermore, this unnecessary reverance for the supposed reincarnations of wise-men past is tantamount to deification; simulataneously, Buddha himself is also being unneededly deified by the Vajrayana (shockingly contradictory to our notion of Buddha as a man, don't you think?). Meanwhile, Bodhidarma and the apprentices thereof simply had to sit down and translate the 4 Noble Truths and the 8 Fold Path to Chinese before they realized that it was strikingly similar to Taoism; hence Ch'an and Zen are about as close to the teachings of Siddartha Gautama as it can get. All we have to do now is compare the membership rates of a Diamond Way Center and a Zen Center.
Diamond Way Center of Madison
Milwaukee Zen Center
Well, there you have it. Diamond Way is a cult within a cult.
- "Refuge and the Enlightened Attitude" is a "translation of a Tibetan meditation text". It develops the basic principals and phases of meditation.It even got the original Tibetan text printet in the back.
All the of texts highlight self empowerment through peaceful thoughts, respect of other individuals, and reflecting on life in happiness.

Diamond Way

DW is a commercial operation, not charitable, how many DW groups interact openly outside their holy Gompa where all meetings are conducted under a photo of Ole Nydahl??????? The same Gompa where you can buy a wallet sized photo of Ole, Idolization is indeed an integral part of DW.
Lets be honest about this now folks...

The books the cult doesn't want you to see!

These are three practises loosely based on meditations given to Ole Nydahl by Lamas of the Karma Kagyu tradition. However, Ole Nydahl has edited, and added in huge chunks to support the cult he created around himself called Diamond Way. The three rituals get progressively stranger, as they are designed to be kept secret until the member is sufficiently brainwashed to accept them.
These give a fascinating insight into one of the lesser known Buddhist cults, and I hope one day they become as well-known as a group to be avoided as the NKT and FWBO. Thanks for leaking!

are u allright? drugs maybe? See, the comments supplied to your edits describe actions that are completely different than those you actually made in the edits. So u might suffer from a distorted view of reality, inability to think and act coherently or both. Either way, you will not get anywhere, I will be here long after you are taken off to a mental institution. But thanks for the entertainment you provide with your "insightful" comments, I hope you appreciate my comments as well:0)

Perhaps mention costs of these in the pyramid scheme?

In DW you have to get an 'empowerment' from 'Lama' Ole Nydahl where he basically rambles on some Tibetan mumbo jumbo and touches a bit of metal on your head. You have to do a different one of these before being allowed to do any of these meditations. You have to go to separate lectures for each of these 'empowerments', costing between £10-£35.
What criteria was used in labeling these people a "cult"?
This all appears to be basic buddhist teaching.
1. The charismatic leader (Ole Nydahl) surrounded by groupies and Ole Clones. This is known as a cult of personality. He also has no authentic credentials, and is not qualified to hold the title of Lama.
Someone making this claim should offer supporting evidence. Evidence to the contrary of this claim:
Ole Nydahl's credentials: http://www.lama-ole-nydahl.org/olesite/pages/person/dokuments.html
See also: http://www.diamondway-buddhism.org/default.asp?col=03&t=teachers.htm#LamaOleNydahl quoting "Shamar Rinpoche has said "In 1973 the 16th Karmapa ordered Ole and Hannah to teach and predicted that they would be very successful in spreading the Buddha's teachings in the West. The 16th Karmapa taught them their main practices, the Guru Yogas on the 8th and 16th Karmapas. They kept their samaya without any doubt, following and fulfilling Karmapa's wish. Ole is carrying out the activity of the 16th Karmapa."
So why did Ole only start using the title of Lama a few years after the 16th Karmapa's death, while claiming that the 16th Karmapa granted him such a title?
According to Lama Ole Nydahls own explanations in the book 'Riding the Tiger', HH 16th Karmapa indeed called him lama. However he was not using this title officially at that time, because of Kalu Rinpoche, another highly respected lama: A lama to him had to be celibate and Ole Nydahl wasn't. Shamarpa (second highest ranking lama in Karma kagyu lineage), then gave him them the title 'Buddhist Master' in 1983. In 1995 a letter signed Khenpo Chödrak Tenphol Rinpoche on behalf of the Buddhist Institute of Gyalwa Karmapa, officially recognize Ole Nydahl as a Lama http://www.lama-ole-nydahl.de/certifikat.htm In 2006 HH Sharmapa confirmed this title in another official letter. http://www.lama-ole-nydahl.org/olesite/pages/person/ole_shamar_letter.pdf

2. The manipulation of information. Books Ole Nydahl doesn't agree with or are critical of him are banned from the centres. Members are also discouraged from seeking teachings from any other source.
Firstly, someone making such a claim would have to mention which critical books are being referred to, giving references, ISBN numbers and quotations.
Secondly, see link to a list of books available in the library of most Diamond Way Buddhist Centres, recommended on the Diamond Way Buddhism Website, there are many teachings from many sources: http://www.diamondway-buddhism.org/default.asp?col=05&t=books_add.htm
3. Abuse of members lower in the heirachy by those higher up.
Someone making such an accusation would need to provide supporting evidence. No claim of abuse has ever been made against any individual or centre associated with Diamond Way Buddhism, if there had, there would be documented cases such as those where real abuse has taken place. See for example:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology_controversy#Mistreatment_of_members
Someone making such an accusation should offer at least one concrete example, reported either by the press or recorded by a court of law (this does not include links to fictitious blogs or unsubstantiated gossip in internet forums)
Also interesting to claim members from higher hierarchy abuse lower members in a non-hierarchical organization...
4. Questions or criticisms from members are dismissed and supressed. The member is then made to feel guilty and told it is their fault.
Again, someone stating this should provide at least one example to verify such an assertion. Looking at this discussion page one can find un-suppressed (but not unchallenged) criticism. This would seem to invalidate this point.
5. Diamond Way has it's own words and language, to separate members from the public. New members are also given fancy new Tibetan names to make them feel important and separate them from their old life.
Again, the one alleging this should provide evidence rather than personal opinion. What words and language are being referred to?
Perhaps the reference is to the names people receive when taking Buddhist refuge, a standard practice in all schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Please see these links for further information:
Buddhist names: http://www.khandro.net/buddhist_names.htm
Becoming Buddhist: http://www.khandro.net/Buddhist_becoming.htm
It should be noted that when someone is given a Buddhist name they are not expected to actually use it to refer to themselves or for others to do so.
6. There is one rule for those lower in the heirachy, and another for those at the top. For instance, DW teaches that adultery is wrong (in common with authentic Buddhism), but at the same time, Ole Nydahl is known to have had affairs with several of his students, and had a mistress called Caty Hartung as well as his wife, Hannah.
Buddhism does teach that it is wrong to harm others by splitting up relationships, however it does not teach that people have to be monogamous, indeed in traditional Buddhist cultures such as Tibet and Bhutan, both Polygamous and Polyandrous relationships exist and function (there is something called an 'open relationship'). Also, for the record there is *no secret* that Ole and Hannah Nydahl's relationship was not monogamous. This was a decision that they took with each other's full knowledge and consent. Because of their individual teaching and translating activities and due to their support for the highest Kagyu lamas, Hannah and Lama Ole Nydahl had to spend many months each year apart. Over a period of 13 years, Lama Ole Nydahl had two partners, Hannah Nydahl and Catrin Hartung. During the months Hannah and Ole Nydahl were apart, Ole Nydahl was together with Catrin Hartung. This was cosentual. Ole Nydahl is honest and transparent about this, and if people have a problem with it they have the choice not to accept him as their teacher. One has to distinguish between the perception of a teacher’s approach and the actual actions performed by that teacher and their results. If there were any evidence of a female student who felt manipulated or abused in any way by Lama Ole Nydahl (such as in the case of Kalu Rinpoche and June Campbellhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalu_Rinpoche see 'controversy' section), one could conclude his behaviour and actions would have brought negative results. In reality, no such evidence exists. If it does, it should be presented here.
7. The true beliefs of the group (only some of which are contained here) are kept secret from members until they are sufficiently brainwashed, and before that are lied to, just as DW lies to the public about it's true beliefs.
Someone making this claim should describe which beliefs and lies are being referred to, offering supporting evidence.
Members only get to the really weird stuff once they get higher up in the heirachy. Those higher up in this heirachy lie to both those lower down and to the public at large about their true beliefs. Their excuse for this is to simply say people are "not ready". (sounds like not sufficiently brainwashed to me!)
8. Everything in DW has a price, and the money flows to the top of the heriachy. There is also huge pressure to donate money, whether you can afford it or not. Members are milked for everything they have, while Ole Nydahl lives a life of luxury, flying round the world and having everything paid for him.
Most things in life have a price, however not everything in Diamond Way Buddhism has, for example all regular meditation sessions are free of charge (one can enquire in any centre about this). Money from events where a there is a charge (e.g. lectures and courses of visiting teachers) goes towards the charitable aims of the organization, which are completely transparent. For example in the UK Diamond Way Buddhism is a Registered Charity and its official documents and accounts are available here: http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/registeredcharities/showcharity.asp?regno=1093406&submit=Run+Search
Anyone wishing to know how Diamond Way Buddhism is organised internationally, also its status as a charitable organization connected fully with the Karma Kagyu school under the guidance of Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje is encouraged to visit this website: http://www.buddhismus-stiftung.de/ and read the Articles of Incorporation ("By-Laws") here: http://www.buddhismus-stiftung.de/pdf/bsd_satzung_en.pdf
9. DW uses brainwashing techniques.
A definition of brainwashing is required. Also, someone making such an accusation should offer at least one concrete example, reported either by the press or recorded by a court of law.
10. Former members are harassed, slandered and told to shut up about their experiences.
This statement is emotive and certainly sounds sensational, but if abuse has genuinely taken place and people have been harassed or slandered, then why has there not been an investigation by the police? Harassment and slander are criminal acts. Why have no charges been made? If someone has been mistreated by individual(s) connected with Diamond Way Buddhism and this has caused them harm, why is the only reference to it on a public internet forum?
As a former member, I have experienced this first hand. I have had death threats, abusive e-mails and phone calls etc calling me "spiritually weak", "mentally ill", and "a criminal" among other things. Calling me a criminal is particularly ironic considering Ole Nydahl himself spent time in prison for drug smuggling and dealing. I am just glad I never signed up to the cult's magazine despite pressure to do so, or they would have had my home address too!
These are all hallmarks of cults. I hope that answers your question.
The burden of proof is on the one who makes the allegation. I agree readers should make their minds up based on the actual evidence presented, rather than unsubstantiated hearsay.
As a former "diamond way student" I am familiarized with this supossedly written letters from Shamar Rinpoche. This are the same letters that are included in Ole's book "Entering the Diamond Way". For me this letters probe nothing. They could be forged. Diamond-Way Buddhism is a personal cult sect about the super-ego-maniac charming fascist racist womanizer Ole Nydahl. He and people close to him (Center directors and Thwe so-called travel teachers) use the same techniques present in any cult, see how cults work .

Note on questions of Shamar Rinpoche's support of Ole: He openly supports Ole Nydahl and they participate in presenting talks at the same events.

Why are these documents labelled as "secret"?

Firstly, it is totally inaccurate, and in fact defamatory, to label Diamond Way Buddhism as a cult. The Diamond Way Buddhist centres belong to the Karma Kagyu School, one of the four main lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. Any accusation that Diamond Way Buddhism is a cult is therefore unfounded. To claim Diamond Way Buddhism is a cult would therefore be to claim that the Karma Kagyu School is a cult, which it is clearly not. It is a 2,500 year old Buddhist transmission lineage and recognised universally as one stream within a major world religion. The Diamond Way Buddhist Centres have been established by Ole Nydahl, a western student of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa, a widely respected and acknowledged Buddhist teacher and the highest ranking lama of the Karma Kagyu school until his death in 1981. The 16th Karmapa asked Ole Nydahl to teach Buddhism. Furthermore, Shamar Rinpoche, the second highest ranking lama of the school, has confirmed and authenticated Ole Nydahl’s status as a lama of the Karma Kagyu Lineage.
The reader is directed to the following links:
http://kagyu.net/ A portal to all Kagyu centres under the guidance of the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje.
http://www.lama-ole-nydahl.org/olesite/pages/person/dokuments.html Letters confirming Lama Ole Nydahl’s credentials as an authentic Buddhist teacher.
Secondly, I am confused by the reference to so called “secret” texts:
I'm not quite sure what these booklets are doing here. They are not at all secret, and in fact are available to anybody who comes to a Diamond Way Buddhist centre of the Karma Kagyu Lineage. They are the basic, traditional practices used by Buddhists of this school, two of which have been used for hundreds of years, another composed by the 16th Karmapa himself in the last century. As the texts explain:
"Black Coat" is an invocation of the dharma protector Dorje Bernagchen (Tibetan) or Mahakala (Sanskrit). This particular text, as it states in the foreword, was composed by the Eighth Karmapa Mikyo Dorje, 400 years ago.
"Refuge and the Enlightened Attitude" is the first of the "Four Foundational Practices" ("Ngondro" in Tibetan). As the text states, it is a translation of a meditation text composed by the Ninth Karmapa, Wangchuk Dorje, who lived from 1555 to 1603. The original Tibetan text is even at the back of the booklet for any Tibetan speakers who wish to verify this.
"16th Karmapa Meditation" is a practice composed and given by His Holiness the 16th Karmapa to Hannah and Ole Nydahl as a useful basic practice for Westerners. It is a form of Guru Yoga, a specific kind of practice which can be found in different variations amongst all schools of Tibetan Buddhism.
I can't understand why these booklets have been posted on this site and labelled as "secret" as they have never, at any time, been classified, confidential, censored or otherwise withheld from the public. My only slight concern is that it may be infringing upon copyright legislation to publish something without the permission of the owner.
As can be seen, the "16th Karmapa Meditation" and the "Black Coat" booklets clearly state they are copyright to "Diamond Way Buddhist Centers USA" 2002 and 2003 respectively. The scan of the booklet "Refuge and The Enlightened Attitude" seems to have missed off the final page (p.20) which states that the document is "Copyright to Diamond Way Buddhist Centers USA 2003 edition."
I wonder what WikiLeak's policy is on publishing copyrighted material which is already in the Public domain? Can anyone advise?
You can't have it both ways. Either the material unmodified from the Tibetan originals, and so, given such an antiquity out of copyright -- suggesting that the copyright applied by Diamond Way is a fraud -- or the material has been significantly modified by Diamond Way, which agrees with the source. 21:31, 15 August 2008 (GMT)
Sure, the translations and designs are copyright. Copyright but NOT SECRET.
I recently spent time with the His Holiness the 14th Sharmapa, Shamar Rinpoche, and Ole Nydahl is indeed a credited Lama in the Kagyu lineage. Ole organizes meditations and centers solely for the benefit of all sentient beings. The documents mentioned are available to the general public in their original Tibetan form but the English translations require an experienced teacher to explain as some of the Tibetan words and concepts do not directly translate into English.

Refuting the cult's troll

Diamond Way is an organisation started by Ole Nydahl, and is completely separate from the main branches of Karma Kagyu (which operate under the Bodhi Path name under Sharmapa, and various other names). This from Wikipedia:
Ole Nydahl has been criticised for using the title of Lama, despite having not completed the usual 3-year retreat required to take on such a title. Lama Namsen Rinpoche, a lama of the Karma Kagyu lineage, states that the 16th Karmapa during a meeting in 1977 told Ole Nydahl "You are not a Lama. You have met many Lamas, but you are not one of them. What you can do is tell others about Dharma, but you can't act like a Lama".
As for these book's secrecy, to deny they are kept from the public is ridiculous. The Diamond Way cult (and yes it is a dangerous cult!) keeps them from people who are 'not ready' (translated from cultspeak meaning not sufficiently brainwashed yet). This is because the cult knows full well that if people saw this from the start, they'd run a mile! They are also not given to members until they have spent money going to see Ole Nydahl giving lectures of pseudo-scientific, racist rubbish, and then had one of the empowerments mentioned above. There is a new 'empowerment' for every ritual, and this keeps the brainwashing up, and keeps the money flowing to Ole Nydahl, so he can keep his lifestyle of luxury, flying round the world. To hide behind copyright law shows this as the cult it is. you are using exactly the same tactics as the scientologists use!
Not true: If they are no connection with DW and the rest of the Karma Kagyu, why does DW use teachers from the rest of the Karma Kagyu?!?
All Tibetan Buddhism has certain methods that one has to prepare for before using. This is not a DW thing, it is a common thing. Basic methods are available for "newbies" in the centres, as well as in some of the books you can purchase in puplic book stores.

Readers invited to make their own conclusions by checking balanced online sources

For those interested in a more balanced view of Diamond Way Buddhism and Lama Ole Nydahl, the Wikipedia pages are actually quite balanced:
As I think it's quite plain to see, this WikiLeak page is very biased and has clearly been created by someone who has made a major misinterpretation of Buddhism in general, Tibetan Buddhism in particular, and especially of Diamond Way Buddhism. I hope for the sake of the value of the WikiLeaks site a moderator will notice this nonsense and take action. I encourage all readers to simply check the various reliable online sources to get a less distorted picture than what is presented by this author.
The very fact you call Ole Nydahl a Lama shows that you are the biased one, and in fact a troll sent by this cult.

A reasonable approach. I would also suggest reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karmapa_controversy to get a general understanding of the dispute around the credibility of Thaye Dorje as the 17th Karmapa, which is supported by Ole but not supported by the majority of buddhists, including the Dalai Lama. It is majorly Ole's influence, money and resources in the west that has supported this dispute while there never has been any real doubt about Ogyen Trinley Dorje being the 17th Karmapa in the asian regions. This is an important context to understand Ole's role and position within the Karma Kagyu tradition.
I would recommend these articles:
[1] [2]]
Just as the Buddha taught different lessons to different students, the Bodhi Path and Diamond Way centers are geared towards different practictioners of Buddhism. I recently attended a meditation led by the Sharmapa that was advertised through both Bodhi Path and Diamond Way centers.

Tibetan Buddhism

Calling Tibetan Buddhism a cult is nothing more than an expression of your ignorance. The Dalai Lama uses texts more or less exactly like the texts Ole Nydhal uses. All Tibetan Buddhists do.
Stop trying to confuse the issue. I have never said Tibetan Buddhism is a cult, nor have i said Karma Kagyu is a cult.
What I have said is that Ole Nydahl's Diamond Way organisation is a cult.
See above for why this is not authentic Tibetan Buddhism.

DW and Lama Ole Nydahl uses the same traditional books as all Karma Kagyu. Also teachers with more traditional style gives lectures on regular basis. Lama Ole Nydahl has a provocative style, yes, and he definitely does not try to please everybody. Being provocative does not make some one into a fraud. If DW is a cult, all Tibetan buddhism are, since they use the same teachings.

Could be a cult

Why? Because in Tantric Buddhism the root lama is never ignored or disobeyed. This can cause problems. 30 years ago many people considered Trungpa Rinpoche's Vajradhatu organization a cult. I was in it. It sure felt like a cult. After he died Trungpa was extensively rehabilitated by his followers and few remember what it was really like. Ole Nydahl has a pretty bad reputation as riding the "perfect lama" -infallibility- horse far too much. As far as the texts in question go it is a non-story. The Karma Kagyu never make tantric texts freely available; a student needs to develop experience first in order to understand properly.
Whoa! Please offer references proving this statement. Trust is really important in all vajrayana, trusting the teacher especially. But how did you ever get the idea the "root lama is never ignored or disobeyed"?!? What happened to "be your own guiding light"? This is a point that is stated over and over again by Lama Ole Nydahl; think for yourselves, examine, ask critical question, see if you think you can trust your teacher. If not you are free to go to someone else. It was never a question of blind faith or complete obedience.

None of this is "secret"

Ole Nydahl has been teaching these meditations for over 20 years.
Look him up on amazon.com. He has published several books and many pamphlets.
Much of what he teaches is standard Buddhism, the nature of impermanence, old age sickness and death.
He has created a cult. The user reviews on Amazon speak for themselves. The books here are not available on Amazon, as they are only : available to those who have been sufficiently brainwashed.

Meditation text generally are not awailable freely. Because could be misunderstood.
Yes they are. Nice excuse.
Furthermore, why would anyone with so much as a shred of compassion, much less confidence in their belief, choose to conceal their texts from the scholarly community? Is it the fear of being ripped to smithereens by the Richard Dawkins types and other rational thinkers, or is it cult mentality? To be honest, I think it sounds like both: to maintain this silly cult, it is imperative that these texts don't fall into the hands of the authentic intellectuals where they can be shot down.

state arguments/facts directly

OK, here it is:
Fact: Nothing here supports these texts being 'Secret' other than the subjective view of the author.
Argument: Considering there is no evidence to support these claims and no evidence to refute any of the following points made, this page has been created as an unqualified and unwarranted attack.
Fact: Putting 'Fact' before an opinion does not automatically make it one.
Argument: Diamond Way cult members are trying to get this leak shut down. All the points put forward by members of this cult have been refuted above. You are free to disagree with them (as you obviously would, being in this cult), but do not try to force your opinions on others as fact and censor information you do not agree with. Such tactics may work in your centres, but not on the internet!

Former member here

As a former member of this cult, I know that these are kept secret, as stated above. Members of the cult are obviously desperate to get this shut down and are throwing all they have at it. Unfortunately, in their brainwashed state, this just leads to the same arguments again and again. This is pointless and going round in circles. I do not have the feverish devotion they do, and hence do not have the time or energy to keep going round in circles. All the reasons why this is here are stated above. I have nothing more to say.
Yes desperate. So desperate that we are posting where they are already freely available. Why did you remove the post? Why throw your toys out of the pram? What did you expect? Wikileaks can be edited by anyone and you are only putting forward your unsubstantiated hearsay. It does not matter how many times you say that you KNOW they are secret, it proves nothing. Think about how far you would get in any other forum?
I KNOW I'm the man for the job, I KNOW I'm innocent your honour, I KNOW the hypothesis is correct.

I AM ALSO A FORMER STUDENT A (never used wikipedia, don't know how to)
Although I do not consider Ole Nydahl my teacher, and I am not attracted to his personality, style, or sometimes racist leaning teachings, I can vouch that he carries a very potent mystic energy which can affect others in a positive way (perhaps negatively too, I don't know). I took "refuge" with him initially and after he places the Karmapa's relics on my head and transmitted energies, I had about 3 days of elevated experiences, "magical" experiences and interactions with the outer world, and experiences of phenomena and beauty which were similar to ones I had years before when I had done psychedelics. I cannot take refuge in Ole because his mentality often seems low-minded, petty, divisive and ego-centric, but he definitely has some mystical power. He has done phowa so much, that I think he is especially good at transmitting bliss and helping people to leave their bodies. Around him, I also had internal experiences which are hard to describe, but are spiritual. So, it is understandable that so many people are affected by him. I don't know what his actual state of mind is, but I can tell you that in this world, people are usually more impressed by quantity than quality, by some blissful experience rather than true compassion, and by power rather than purity. Although I do not disagree with some of Ole's views, and perhaps he sees himself as a protector of Europe, his anti-Muslim discourses are a bit frightening in their potential. He certainly sees himself as a wrathful protector and perhaps is some kind of one, but he is also fascinated by war and aggression like a young boy is. He is very honest in his getting off on the adrenaline of war, as I remember him saying during the first Gulf War. Although this is true, I decided not to get any more teachings from him because I wanted my teacher to be more than seem to be energy junkie type of mind. It is like the difference between Osho and Ammachi (or any other Sat Guru). Osho was a spiritual librarian, a moon, who spoke very wonderfully and allowed people to learn more about themselves and dharmic notions. He was good for the world, but he was not like a Sun who is a manifestation of creation, humility, responsibility, and the most ancient. Variuos teachers are good for the world. Some of them cause some harm too. But there is very little question about the victorious and overwhelming compassion of the most realized beings. Thank you.
P.S. I left the Kaygu thing because I was fed up with all the problems with the Karmapas, the regents admitting to fake prophesy letters initially, and my dissatisfaction with Ole's personality as well as the overly old-fashioned strict view of my other Kayguy lama. I still believe in the lineage, Tibetan Buddhism, the practices and Karmapa, and I have met many amazing Lamas and Rinpoches, but it is easier for me to hang out with Ammachi who really does appear to be a divine and realized being but without all the drama and politics.

Diamond-Way Buddhism, or are we going to jump out of the window?

I personally visited one lecture of Ole Nydahl. He is a Danish who skydives and goes clubbing. Supposedly a holy Tibetan man, called the 17th Karmapa, considers him worthy. He started his diamond-way Buddhism centers all over Europe and the rest of the world. There is a big controversy over who is the 17th Karmapa. There are two claimants: Urgyen Trinley Dorje and Thaye Dorje - each supported by important lamas from the Kagyu lineage.
1) Both Karmapas asked the Office of the present Dalai Lama to confirm their recognition. NOT TRUE. The Dalai Lama confirmed Urgyen Trinley Dorje. Ole Nydahl is supported by the other Karmapa (Thaye Dorje). Thaye Dorje is confirmed as Karmapa by the second Lama in the lineage - HH 14th. Shamarpa.
2) Ole Nydahl's sect is based upon the cult of personality. NOT TRUE. Buddha's teachings support one's individual path to enlightenment, as Buddha taught; thus people should test everything for themselves. CORRECT. CHECK BY YOURSELF

'Lama' Ole Nydahl

My involvement with Diamond Way started around 2001. I attended meditation sessions on a regular basis for over three years, and also met Lama Ole numerous times at various retreats hosted by the center. I will share my thoughts and feelings about Diamond Way here. While I found Lama Ole' personality to be remarkably charismatic, I also found his talks to be quite boring. His talks drift all over the place and go on for an exceedingly long time. He seems to enjoy listening to himself speak. He interjects his talks with controversial opinions, as if to startle, shock or offend. Last month, I was asked to attend a lecture given by him. Since it has been a few years since I last saw some of my friends in Diamond Way as well Lama Ole, I decided to go partly out of nostalgia and partly to see how Lama Ole is evolving as a teacher. During the talk, Lama Ole said that if you compare the scientific acheivements of Jews and Muslims, you can see that Jews have won numerous Nobel Prizes and Muslims have not. The point being that Judaism is simply a better system of beliefs than Islam. The larger point (I think) being that religious systems of belief impact society in various ways, both good and bad. I wasn't so much upset or offended by what he said, but I was troubled by the lack of relevance to the topic of Buddhism. It just seemed to be a wild generalization, and lacked any real sense of understanding about complex social issues. He went on to say that there should be small blast proof rooms made available for would be Islamic suicide bombers so they can blow themselves up without disturbing others. He was obviously trying to be controversial. But it's just completely unnecessary. He undercuts his own arguments for Buddhism mainly because his speech goes against the basic tenents of Buddhist practice, which includes avoiding divisive speech. His words are insensitive and callous, and are frankly insulting to my intelligence. It is my opinion that an authentic Buddhist teacher would never utter such words. I believe that Lama Ole is a cult leader, and his flock are more in love with his personality than anything else. And, if anyone here has been to a Diamond Way center and spoken to some of the people, you will notice a distinct sense anti-intellectuallism that pervades the group. They often seem to be fairly uneducated, and I believe that is one reason why they like Lama Ole because he comes across as smart. But the more educated one is in the area of Tibetan Buddhism, the easier it is to dissect his words and see them for what they are: Divisive. I stopped going after three and a half years and found another center I am very happy with.

Diamond Way

Religious intolerance is spread by Ole Nydahl. Here is a quote from his book 'The Way Things Are': "Probably nobody informed expects anything but hate and suppression from Islam, but also several Rinpoches, organizations, and monks manage to produce hefty embarrassments in Buddha's good name." No one can disagree with the second half of the statement: there are Buddhist individuals and organizations who pervert spiritual teachings to their own end. But note how the entire religion of Islam is listed first. It isn't individuals perverting the teachings of Islam: it is the entire religion of Islam. Note again how he uses intimidation tactics: "Probably nobody informed [will think anything but the following...]". Imagine we substitute a different word for this sentence: "Probably nobody informed expects anything but hate and suppression from Buddhism". What positive good can come from this statement? I think it is safe to say we can add Diamond Way Buddhism to that list of organizations who have brought embarrassments to Buddha's good name.
If we ignore the divisiveness, intolerance, and intimidation in Diamond Way, it still does not give a good introduction to Buddhism or how to practice. Most of the time is spent talking about how everything will be wonderful once you are enlightened and no longer attached to things. However, there isn't much detail on how to actually achieve that state or even get started. The instructions tend to amount to "don't be attached" and "see the clear space of mind".


Depends on how you define a cult, but there are certainly a lot of cultish elements to them. However they are not in the same league as David Koresh or Scientology.
A few years ago the Sunday Times magazine 'Day in the life' featured Ole Nydahl. Whilst coming across as an egomaniac isn't unusual in these features but his lenghty ramble about how he carries a knife was disturbing.
The Diamondway organization is very close to a cult status. Don't go there. There are many authentic teachers and centers everywhere. No need to get involved with something which will cause you significant problems later.

It's been fun...

Whilst this has been amusing, let’s put this to rest.
This page is about ‘leaked ‘secret’ texts. Let’s stick to the point.
The texts are no longer on the Diamond Way site so that people do not practice in isolation and have support from the sangha by coming to the centre and receiving proper explanations.
I don't construe this as "brainwashing," per se, but it does seem to ask that one becomes a regularly paying member for something as simple as clarification. Many Zen centers are non-profit organizations that act as a service to the community. Diamond Way is a capitalist machine. That simple.
If you want to construe this as our brain washing techniques didn’t work by post so we lured our victims in, and I imagine you will, so be it.
What we are discussing is the claim that the texts are ‘secret’ and are only given to sufficiently brainwashed members.
So, a quick check on archive.org reveals that not only were they available for free but in fact you could order them over the internet
There’s nothing really more to say is there? Apart from perhaps ‘SMACK DOWN’.
I look forward to a devastating slap-shot of a retort (with regards to these texts being SECRET and only for sufficiently BRAINWASHED members), or more appropriately an apology.
"...so that people do not practice in isolation and have support from the sangha" = If members are not surrounded by Ole clones, they will see through the illusion and escape before we can trap them.
"...not only were they available for free..." = They never have been, and never were free, because before one is allowed to practice these, the person has to pay to see one of Ole's lectures for some extortionate price.
The text has also changed from the version of the 16th Karmapa meditation available on archive.com
The other two meditations here are not available on that site.
What would be more appropriate would be a public apology from Ole Nydahl to all the people whose lives he has ruined through his Diamond Way cult, and for them to be able to claim back all the money he has extorted from them.
16th Karmapa does not require lung or empowerment and is given in books available from Amazon (you deleted that post) and when you first go to the centre.
Mahakala is also sung at every centre meeting. The explanation does require an empowerment, this is the same in every Kagyu school.
Ngondro is a practice common across all Tibetan Buddhism, an explanation can be found here
So the text's are not 'secret'. OK, you got me, some of the texts you needed to purchase and have been updated since 2002 and to practice ngondro you need a lung but this isn't particular to Diamond Way and you could attend a DW centre having got a lung from any other Kagyu lama.
Your objection to paying for a course is completely unfounded. Venues need to be rented, transport arranged etc. Even the Dalai Lama has to charge!
Your methods are unsound and logic flawed.
That is completely false. Any authentic Kagyu Lama will not accept Lungs (empowerments for those not familiar with cult-speak) from Ole Nydahl, as he is not an authentic Lama.
Ole is supported by many Tibetan lamas such as Sharmapa, Karmapa, Jigme Rinpoche etc. Please provide references refuting this.
Ole Nydahl also insists that new students receive Lungs from him and only him, whether they have had any from authentic Lamas before or not, and discourages people going elsewhere, and bans authentic Lamas' books in DW centres.
Evidence please? In my local centre, as I have seen in all other centres there are many books from many difference authors. The general advice is read Kagyu books as different approaches explain the way in different manners which can end up in unnecessary confusion. No one is banned from reading books.
They are encouraged to buy the same books all over again every time they are edited (about every 6 months).
Provide ISBN references and evidence etc
DW's Ngondo has been edited and changed by Ole Nydahl. It is therefore not authentic, and is very different from the Ngondro other (authentic) Kagyu groups use.
The original text is provided at the back. Ole has made them accessible for western culture. Buddhist teaching have been adapted for many cultures.
Ole Nydahl's lectures are extortionately priced, in order to allow him to keep up his exotic lifestyle travelling round the world for free. The costs are not proportionate to the cost of rent, transport etc at all.
Any evidence, also it's subjective.
There is no evidence, because it is simply not true. One might add that Lama Ole Nydahl is not paid for his work. Prices correspond to the expenses from facilities and travelling.
I am glad to see you are finally admitting that the texts have been 'updated' and therefore are not authentic.
Transmission of understanding is possible by the skill of the teacher and the aptitude of the student. Not a rigid attachment to a specific text. Think about it, if it were you'd simply have to read any text the once and then you'd be enlightened etc For example look at how Zen is said to have been started (I'm no expert of Zen...) :: Here's a link (briefly googled, I do not vouch for content)
If Ole practiced Zen you'd be banging on about how he picks flower wrong etc. Your main beef is that you've decided that Ole is a cultist fraud yet you can't provide a single educated, well reasoned comment to prove so.
See above for evidence. I am tired of going round in circles and repeating myself simply because you are ignoring the points you can't refute.
I went to visit a dhamma talk by Lama Ole Nydahl a couple of weeks ago. The place was crammed with people. Half of his dhamma talk consisted of hate speech against people of arab/turkish/persian descent and still he is a well-respected and highly popular teacher. (dharmagrrl)
I think it is more accurate to speak of "cultural racism" or probably simply ignorance. His tool of choice seems to be radical simplification. His dhamma talk was supposed to be about Buddhism in the West, but I was under the impression the title should have been: How Buddhism and our European heritage is threatened by dark savages from the Middle East. That's what I kept in mind:Lama Ole talked a great deal about ghettos in European cities being the greatest potential danger nowadays. So far, so good. But instead of pointing out the complex sociological correlations that lead to the current situation, he implied that these "ghettos" consisted merely of muslim people with fundamentalist or criminal intentions, out to sabotage our "European heritage". He also made a sarcastic remark about Muslimas "breeding" better than Tibetan or European women. I was impressed by this mixture of sexism and racism.
Lama Ole said he would give the blessing to everyone, even to those who weren't Buddhist or would later turn to another religion. It is interesting to note that the only religion he explicitly excluded was Islam, because it was a violent and dangerous religion. This makes clear he never studied Christianity or Jewish or Hindu scriptures, that include a great deal of violence, rape, misogyny, murder and so on in the name of God. He talked about a stupa being built to protect "us" from Islamic forces. I can't help but think that Lama Ole is getting really obsessive about this, leading a crusade just like the warrior he claimed to have been in another life.
I went to his talk with a friend, a Zen buddhist, who is of Persian heritage. She was almost shaking with hurt when we came out of the hall. If this is Lama Oles way of showing compassion, than I can happily abstain from it...

Meeting of the Minds

I think you've got this back to front.
If you make a claim then you need to be able to convince people of your claim otherwise you come across as a looney on a crusade. Now we both know that's not the case so all I'm asking for is some documented facts to support your claims so that a third party can read, digest and make a considered, informed view.
For someone who 'knows' this is a cult, surely this is not asking too much.
It's clear, in my mind at least, that anyone who tries to use your posts as a legitimate reference point will see that they are firmly based on your emotion towards the subject, you have deleted perfectly valid (and I admit 'humorous') post but you have never provided the readers (you and I) with anything that can be corroborated.
Whilst making personal attacks is always a cheap and easy 'shot', and I admit I may have erred towards it from time to time, you're aren't presenting any target. I can't reply to your public assertions if they don't extend beyond how you feel.
The fact that you harvested other people's posts from around the internet and presented them as a collective of concerned individuals who want to expose these 'secret' texts is a prime example of your infantile approach.
Let me offer you a fig leaf. Please make yourself know to your nearest DW centre where you can have a frank debate about your concerns. Does this not sound like an adult thing to do? I'm the first to admit this series of posts is far from adult however surely you won't disagree that if any organisation, even a cult, is willing to openly discuss your charges, recorded for the record, then this is clearly the way to expose them rather than what we have seen so far.
How's about it?
I don't fancy getting trapped inside a cult building, thanks.
Then you'll have some real ammo, no? Rather than a raft of fantasy,unsubstantiated hearsay that simply lends no credibility to your clearly factual claims.
If you can only engage over the Internet, so be it. Forge your excuses but expect nothing other than, generally, tempered comment on your slander, and that's what it is.

Mindless Slander

How dare you continue this stupid slander against his most holiness Lama Ole Nydahl?! This mindless slander must be the work of some loser who is probably mentally ill, stupid or a criminal. Losers only slander Diamond Way Buddhism when they have something to hide themselves! Why else would you try to project your hopelessness onto the most ethical group on the planet?
"His most holiness"?!? I agree this is mindless slander, but somebody who refer to Lama Ole Nydahl as "his most holiness", is not very likely to be associated with Diamond Way Buddhism. He is not concidering himself "holy", and rejects all high honer titles.
With the exception of, "Lama," "Doctorate of Philosophy" and "The Foremost Teacher of Buddhism in the West," right?

The Bourne Inadequacy

Good evening ‘Jason’, I see you’ve been up to your usual tricks, well I think ‘trick’ is a very generous description – let’s say buffoonery, of backtracking and deleting your posts as you have no other option than subterfuge in persisting with this folly.
Unfortunately you seem to be unable of learning from any of your mistakes, unfortunate for me that is, as you present no sport whatsoever. So, I see on your blog you now allow moderated comments and have allowed the poster of ‘Mindless Slander’ (that’s you just in case you didn’t know) to post the same hammed-up comment.
Unless of course there’s simply been a u-turn on policy from, and I quote ‘Due to the efforts of members of the Diamond Way cult to troll this website, spam my inbox with abusive e-mails and slander me online, I regret to inform you that comments are now moderated before being accepted.’ to gracefully allowing someone to call you a ‘loser who is probably mentally ill, stupid or a criminal’.
Google knows all. The cache is here
Anyway, I have a look on Wikipedia to see if I could gain any insight as to why you seem transfixed with this DW cult thing, here’s what I found
‘Jason Charles Bourne has a mysterious past, which continues to torment him throughout his lifetime. His real name is xxxxxxx, and he is a career foreign service officer and a specialist in Far Eastern affairs.’
Wow, it’s like you were separated at birth. Both fictional people and both specialists in Eastern affairs! Now, if you’d like to stop wasting everyone’s time with this tedious, infantile non-sense I’m sure we can all find better uses for our time.
"Now, if you’d like to stop wasting everyone’s time with this tedious, infantile non-sense I’m sure we can all find better uses for our time." Go ahead then - do something more useful with your time than trying to censor information about a cult that the public have a right to know.
Other than your strange obsession with putting a string of bad puns on the Jason Bourne books/films, what does this have to do with the topic being discussed here?

Off topic?

Indeed, what does it have to do with the topic? Well, avid readers will have seen that in fact this page has been re-titled from ‘Diamond Way Cult etc’ to ‘Diamond Way Buddhist Books’ and I think enough evidence has been provided to show that these books have not been leaked and are in the public domain as readily as you could realistically expect them to be, so therefore hardly belong on Wikileaks...
So, why are they on Wikileaks? I think the page title could do with further editing and should read ‘Why I think these texts should be on Wikileaks’, then the readers could peruse the wholly subjective reasons behind the author’s motivation.
The reference to Jason Bourne is not actually a pun, I think metaphor is a better description. What we are seeing is a concerted and deluded effort by a ‘lone gunman’ or perhaps a ‘bijou’ crafted by a fringe that is hopelessly trying to raise Diamond Way to the ground using fabricated and fraudulent internet posts.
So whilst my posts have perhaps not addressed the title, which is clearly in flux, it addresses the real topic – why were these texts posted? Now whilst I can’t peer into the authors mind and find the reasons, nor would I dare to, I can highlight his clumsy efforts in misleading readers of this page.
I'd say the opposite is true. These texts clearly belong on Wikileaks because the public have a right to know about this dangerous brainwashing cult. Your attempts to slander the author (instead of providing real reasons) show that you want to censor this information and sweep the controversies surrounding the cult under the carpet. If you have nothing to hide, why are you trying to get this removed? Why not let the public decide?
When have I tried to get them removed? I provided links and ISBN numbers to show they were available. I invite anyone to come to a Diamond Way centre and do the Guru Yoga meditation that is practiced at every meeting. I have provided reasonable evidence that the author (you) are conducting a one man campaign and there you go again with the completely unsubstantiated claim of brainwashing and being a dangerous cult. When you provide no target for your claims there is little else to do than assess the author. Provide evidence of brainwashing etc. You can't or refuse to so you'll just have to weather me mocking you. The choice is yours.
You and fellow cult members have been trying to get them removed right from the start, scroll up. The very fact that you are attacking me shows that you have no real way of disproving the fact that Diamond Way is a cult and Ole Nydahl is a fraud. This is known as the 'rhetoric of invalidation' and is a common tactic used by cults to silence critics. Scientology uses a very similar tactic known as 'always attack, never defend'.
I am sick of going round in circles with a brainwashed zombie Ole Nydahl clone. That is all. I have nothing more to say.
Woah... dude, seriously, take a deep breath. If we're going to debate, then let's debate this logically; if you're sick of "going in circles" with an Ole Nydahl clone, then let me take it from here. First, let's take a minute to analyze how the word "cult" is being used here: Diamond Way followers tend to believe that their organization is legitimate, where the attackers of Diamond Way -like you and me- call it a cult and claim it is not legitimate. The former is a positive statement (by the nature of claiming that legitimacy is present), where the latter is a negative statement (by the nature of disputing said claim). To "disprove the fact that Diamond Way is a cult" would be the same as disproving a negative, hence proving a positive. So what you're asking for is proof that they are legitimate, where they are asking for proof that it is not. The problem with them is that their argument rests on a logical fallacy; the same fallacy that asks us why Atheists can't, "disprove God." It's impossible to prove a negative. The problem with you, on the other hand, is that you're actually attempting to prove this negative as opposed to simply coming to the proper conclusion by deduction, which rests in the lack of evidence for the positive. Since you're attempting to prove a negative, your statements aren't well-founded. So in my estimate, you're both way off the mark.

Always delete then simply repeat

So let me get this straight. I employ the 'rhetoric of invalidation', except when I talk specifically about the content of your post so you then delete my post. Charming. I haven’t deleted a single thing you’ve posted and I’ve not asked you to take the texts off-line. You have fabricated content and censored (as much as is possible on wikileaks) me and I’m the brainwashed zombie!
Always attack and never defend, ummm... I think I’ll call your tactic ‘always delete then simply repeat’.
Moving on, I couldn’t give a toss, nor can I imagine anyone else can, if you are sick of going round in circles. Apart from the fact that we’re not going round in circles, it’s simply a case of you disappearing further up your behind, you should think about the consequences of broadcasting on the internet false accusations. Did you honestly think no one would challenge them?
So, how’s about this. If you’re sick of having to check everyday how much of a gimp you look on wikileaks etc either back up your claims with firm proof or stop making them.

Diamond-Way Buddhism, or are we going to post our own comments?

Hi, just seen another post you've harvested from the net
'Diamond-Way Buddhism, or are we going to jump out of the window?'

Refutation of spurious claim this is relevant to WikiLeaks, supported by referenced evidence

While the content of this page has certainly provided much entertainment, I think it’s maybe time to bring a little sober analysis to the subject. Let’s begin by addressing the issue of whether these documents are appropriate for this website. I refer to the WikiLeaks’ writers’ guidelines:
WikiLeaks claims that “there are no obscure articles on WikiLeaks” and that “unique features of leaked documents” are:
A leaked document was secret
A leaked document was internal to an organisation
A leaked document was leaked for a reason
WikiLeaks asks users to cite references: “Wherever possible, information given in an analysis should be cited from an authoritative source… providing references is good scholarship, good science, good analysis, good reporting and good practice.”
WikiLeaks requests conclusions to be supported by the facts: “They should be backed up by reasoning and, wherever possible, other evidence… An analysis that is not well argued and which turns out to be wrong may be embarrassing, and set back the goals WikiLeaks aims to achieve.”
1) A leaked document was secret
The question about whether these documents are/were secret or indeed in the public domain can finally be put to rest by following this link: http://www.dwbuk.org/buddhism/meditations Also, as has already been pointed out, the 16th Karmapa Mediation is printed in the back of Ole Nydahl’s book ‘The Way Things Are’ (ISBN 0975295403) published first in 1996 (second print 2003).
2) A leaked document was internal to an organisation
I can predict the next retort: One has to attend a centre in person to get these booklets in order to enable the “cult” to more effectively “brainwash” newcomers. Because they (the two texts ‘Refuge and the Enlightened Attitude’ and ‘Black Coat’) are only available to obtain in the 560+ Diamond Way Centres worldwide, that somehow makes them ‘internal.’ However this would be the same as claiming that a specialist publication only available in a particular chain of shops would be ‘internal’.
3a) A leaked document was leaked for a reason (option 1)
What reason would that be? Let’s look at your main claims. For example, the reason might be to single out Diamond Way Buddhism from other “legitimate” Buddhist organisations in it’s approach in order to expose it as somehow aberrant, corrupt or at least unusual? Let’s examine this possibility.
In terms of the ‘trio’ (or should I say “duo”) of texts ‘leaked’ here, these are the most basic of the basic. There are no heavy commandments about who can or cannot have access to them. The only guideline is that, especially if one wants to start the Four Foundational Practices, one at least receives the accompanying oral explanations from an experienced practitioner and receives (or expects to receive) the “lung” (previously referred to as “Tibetan mumbo-jumbo”) from any Kagyu lama. In this regard Diamond Way is no different to any other Tibetan Buddhist group. Any Tibetan Buddhist worth his salt will verify this. Allow me to present a few examples to illustrate my point:
The Jamyang Buddhist Centre in London, an exemplary centre of the Gelugpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, runs a Guhyasamja (a particular deity within the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition) practice group: http://www.guhyasamaja.com This is what their website says:
“If you have taken the initiation you can apply for web site membership now”
“Initiates area: This area contains the following: Resources: Texts, images and audio teachings to develop your understanding and practice.”
Nitartha International, the publishing arm of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche’s Nalandabodhi organisation, offers several publications which are restricted to those who have met certain criteria, for example: http://www.nitartha.org/mahamudra.htmlThis is what their website says:
“Important: purchase of the text is restricted to certain persons who have permission from their teachers to read the book, or have met certain mahamudra qualifications. As the Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche says in his introduction to the text: “All readers should closely heed and respect the restrictions on using this instruction treatise set forth by the author, the ninth Gyalwang Karmapa, and other living lineage masters.””
See also: http://www.nitartha.org/mahamudra_orders.html for the list of exceptionally strict criteria required for access to some of Nithartha’s documents. By comparison, the approach taken by Diamond Way to their practice texts, that people are encouraged to get explanations for the practices as well as just obtaining a text, is significantly less rigid.
Dechen, a thoroughly reputable Buddhist organisation of the Sakya lineage, publicises their own sadhanas (practice texts) here: http://www.dechen.org/shop/sadhanas.html This is what their website says:
“These [sadhanas] are available to people who have received the lung (oral transmission) for the particular sadhana, as well as the relevant initiation where appropriate. This distribution policy has been approved by His Holiness Sakya Trizin [the highest lama in the Sakya lineage].”
It’s standard practice in Tibetan Buddhist schools to give certain texts to people only once they have (a) received Buddhist refuge (b) obtained the authorisation/empowerment from a qualified teacher and (c) have completed the necessary foundations. Without these factors giving practice texts to those who are not qualified to use them is believed to create obstacles for those who might try to practice them without the requisite preparation and explanations. It would be like trying to obtain a driving licence without bothering to take driving lessons, studying graduate level chemistry before doing GCSEs or reading the operating manual of the heaviest weightlifting equipment with out ever having attempted a press-up.
3b) A leaked document was leaked for a reason (option 2)
Your (still unsubstantiated) assertion is that these texts have been adapted to support a cult of personality, and this is what you are trying to expose to the world via WikiLeaks. Let’s examine this next.
Firstly one would need to provide evidence that Diamond Way Buddhism is indeed a cult of personality and that Ole Nydahl is, as you have repeatedly claimed, is a fraud who practices “brainwashing”. It’s a serious claim, because if it is demonstrably untrue, calling a spiritual teacher a “cult leader”, labelling his organisation a “cult”, or his students “cult followers” is in fact defamatory and could be prosecuted under defamation legislation in most European and American states. One would therefore expect at least some evidence to support such an allegation. No claim of abuse has ever been made against any individual or centre associated with Diamond Way Buddhism, if there had, there would be documented cases such as those where real abuse has taken place. See for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology_controversy#Mistreatment_of_members To make such an accusation one should offer at least one concrete example, reported either by the press or recorded by a court of law (this does not include links to fictitious blogs or unsubstantiated gossip in internet forums). Otherwise one could well be committing libel/defamation. Please see these links:
On the contrary, ample evidence exists in the public domain, which has already been referenced on this page. For example, the evidence that Ole Nydahl does indeed possess authentic credentials and qualifications as a lama can be seen here:http://www.lama-ole-nydahl.org/olesite/pages/person/dokuments.html and here (http://www.dimondway-buddhism.org/default.asp?col=03&t=teachers.htm#LamaOleNydahl, where Shamar Rinpoche [the second highest ranking lama in the Kagyu Lineage] is quoted as follows: “In 1973 the 16th Karmapa ordered Ole and Hannah to teach and predicted that they would be very successful in spreading the Buddha’s teachings in the West. The 16th Karmapa taught them their main practices, the Guru Yogas on the 8th and 16th Karmapas. They kept their samaya [commitment to their teacher] without any doubt, following and fulfilling Karmapa’s wish. Ole is carrying out the activity of the 16th Karmapa”. A higher endorsement could hardly be imagined.
Secondly, one would need support, other than simply an expression of opinion, that these practices have been significantly modified from the original that they would serve a purpose other than that which the originals were created to serve. If you could provide one referenced expert opinion, for example a scholar of Tibetan Buddhism or a translator of the Tibetan language, who can identify how the text (a) differs significantly from the original Tibetan and (b) how the text would serve a purpose other than that which the original served, then please do so.
Thus, a valid reason cannot be established (according to WikiLeaks’ own criteria) why the texts are being “leaked.” As has been stated, “An analysis that is not well argued and which turns out to be wrong may be embarrassing, and set back the goals Wikileaks aims to achieve.” Your analysis here and elsewhere is not well argued and has been shown to be demonstrably wrong. It is therefore embarrassing to you and to the WikiLeaks staff as it clearly sets back the goals that WikiLeaks aims to achieve and abuses this otherwise useful internet resource.
You have already been repeatedly refuted and rebuked on Wikipedia, where rules about vandalism, neutral point of view, libellous or defamatory statements about living persons, and a demand for a certain style (i.e. that any claim is backed up by references to real sources and evidence) are more rigorously enforced than on WikiLeaks. Instead, you have (a) used WikiLeaks as a repository of your baseless diatribe (b) created your own blog, where you think you can get away with posting whatever rubbish you like with impunity and (c) taken refuge in Facebook, that well-known bastion of scientific rigor and intellectual maturity.
I don’t suppose for a moment that you’ll let me get away with posting these comments without deleting or censoring them. We both know who is muckspreading here. The question is, will you continue rolling around in your muck or will you clean up your act? The choice is yours...
User:Vajraspanner 15 August 2008
So, to summarise your position: you believe it is fine for a Buddhist teacher to be racist and anti-islam just as long as their own students approve? And your reasoning for this view is it creates diversity?
I'm sorry, but I beg to differ. I believe prominent figures are answerable to a larger community and not merely their closest ghettoised clique. Criticism's of Ole are widespread. You're suggesting we should ignore these criticisms? And your sole argument for this is that nobody is qualified to morally judge another being?
That's a remarkably creative summary of my position, not sure exactly how you arrived at it though?User:Vajraspanner

Inconsistent edits

As a note for everyone using this page it might be of interest that at least one person seems to be editing with more than one opinion on this page. As can be [seen in the version history] of this page, someone added two statements of opposite opinion in one edit. Due to the anonymity of this platform it cannot be said who this was yet this should be noted for everyone trying to clarify this subject. Wikileaks
This is a common tactic used by Diamond Way cult members, as also seen in these two posts:
I am glad to see that this tactic they use has been exposed here for all to see.
I'm not completely sure of this fact - the second comment "Mindless Slander" is clearly meant as irony or is clearly forged to support the idea of rude "cult trolls". The fact that there are two edits which seems at first sight not to be consistent is in my opinion the proove that the "Mindless Slander" is an irony and not the prove of some dirty practice of Diamond Way cult members.
Just to clarify, I know what you mean but it's not actually irony. It was Juicy Lucey's attempt to impersonate a 'lunatic cultist', thus making Diamond
Way practitioners seem hysterical imbeciles. Juicy Lucey posted this on his own blog where he moderates the comments, hence it was allowed to be posted.
Deary me. I always knew you diamondwayers were a bit paranoid, but this is ridiculous. ~SpaceBunny.
Juicy Lucey, SpaceBunny, whoever you are today... Oh no, it's not like you'd impersonate someone is it?
One Edit...
'Diamond-Way Buddhism, or are we going to jump out of the window?'
'Lama' Ole Nydahl
- bermudatriangle
'Diamond Way'
- Paul Baranowski
(you need to register...)
- Karma Phuntsok
I think you went too far in your effort to dig some dirt on this organisation. For the rest of people interested to see the reality of buddhism teached in Diamond Way centres, I'd have this advise - the best proof is to see for yourself. Then you will find if this way of Tibetan Buddhism seems sympathic for you or not. And of course if the style of lama Ole Nydahl (if my use of title lama in connection with Ole offends your feeling, I don't care much) doesn't fit you there is a lot of other lamas in Karma Kagju linage. It's that simple ... but don't forget to leave a note at home about where you are going in case you'll be trapped and killed by phurba on the ritual altar!!!
Man, if you are trying to prove your point in discussion than the deleting of the posts which's only "problem" is that they dont fit into your side of storry is not a good practice :o). Hope you'll realize this someday - so far it is only you who is preventing reasonable discussion and when you dont have no arguments to support your false statements you just delete the opposing posts. I'd maybe understand if you'd do this in main article, but whats the point of this in discussion page?

So, to summarise your position:

You don't believe in life after Diamond Way. You can feel something inside you say, you really don't think you're strong enough.
Well I know that you'll get through this 'cause I know that you are strong. You don't need us anymore. No you don't need us anymore.
What are we supposed to do? Sit around and wait for you? Well we can't do that and there's no turning back. You need time to move on. You need a love to feel strong.

You can't handle the truth

We live in a world that has cults and those cults need to be patrolled by men with anonymous posts.
Who's gonna do it? You?
I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Ole and Diamond Way; you have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that my blog and Facebook protest, while tragic, probably saved lives and that my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives.
You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties you want me patrolling cults, you need me on the internet.
I use posts from Amazon, Flickr and opinion pieces. I use then as the backbone of a life trying to defend something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it.
I would rather you just said "thank you," and went on your way.
Obvious troll is obvious. But on a serious note, those in Diamond Way are just scared the truth about their leader and organisation will come out.
Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to post annonymous sunsubstantiated guff and censor others is
insignificant next to the power of reasoned debate.
I agree. However, I think very lowly of Diamond Way Buddhism. Care to engage in reasoned debate while the children continue their pissing contest?

Why does the title contain the word 'Buddhist'?

Referring to Diamond Way as Buddhism is like referring to the Moonies as Christianity!!
  • 'Diamond Way' is a an almost exact translation of the Sanskrit word 'Vajrayana'. 'Vajra' means diamond and 'yana' means way or vessel. The term refers to one of the three parts of Buddha Shakyamuni's teachings. How is this like 'referring to the Moonies as Christianity'? Buddhism comes from the historical Buddha, and Vajrayana, Mahayana and Theravada are all part of it. Translating this relatively simple term into English is IMO a very logical thing to do when trying to make the teachings accessible to the many people today who do not speak Sanskrit or Pali.
So Ole Nydahl stole the translation of the term Vajrayana for his cult to make people think it is more legitimate. Yes, Vajrayana, can be translated as 'Diamond Way' (among other things), but 'Diamond Way' (as in the cult started by Ole Nydahl) is not real Buddhism, is it! Let's be honest now, shall we?
Well, no. While I do believe that calling it, "Diamond Way" as opposed to "Vajrayana" is a bit of a cheezy marketing tactic, it's unfair to say that he "stole" the term.

List of Evidence

Please use this as a list of factual proofs ONLY! Evidence: Official letters, books, court cases, scientific research, official statements etc.

Evidence that Diamond Way is a cult
Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way use many tactics common within cults, including (but not limited to) the following...
1. The charismatic leader (Ole Nydahl) surrounded by groupies and Ole Clones. This is known as a cult of personality. He also has no authentic credentials, and is not qualified to hold the title of Lama. Ole only started using the title of Lama a few years after the 16th Karmapa's death, while claiming that the 16th Karmapa granted him such a title.
2. The manipulation of information. Books Ole Nydahl doesn't agree with or are critical of him are banned from the centres. Members are also discouraged from seeking teachings from any other source.
3. Abuse of members lower in the hierarchy by those higher up. This emotional (and sometimes physical) abuse is explained away as 'purification' and members are told it is simply their karma.
4. Questions or criticisms from members are dismissed and suppressed. The member is then made to feel guilty and told it is their fault. They are called 'spiritually weak' or have 'ego problems'.
5. Diamond Way has it's own words and language, to separate members from the public. Words are also given new meanings. New members are also given fancy new Tibetan names to make them feel important and separate them from their old life.
6. There is one rule for those lower in the hierarchy, and another for those at the top. For instance, Diamond Way teaches that adultery is wrong (in common with authentic Buddhism), but at the same time, Ole Nydahl is known to have had affairs with several of his students, and had a mistress called Caty Hartung as well as his wife, Hannah.
7. The true beliefs of the group are kept secret from members until they are sufficiently brainwashed, and before that are lied to, just as Diamond Way lies to the public about it's true beliefs. Members only get to the really weird stuff once they get higher up in the hierarchy. Those higher up in this heirachy lie to both those lower down and to the public at large about their true beliefs. Their excuse for this is to simply say people are "not ready". (sounds like not sufficiently brainwashed to me!)
8. Everything in Diamond Way has a price, and the money flows to the top of the hierarchy. There is also huge pressure to donate money, whether you can afford it or not. Members are milked for everything they have, while Ole Nydahl lives a life of luxury, flying round the world and having everything paid for him.
9. Diamond Way uses brainwashing techniques. Their 'meditation' rituals are in fact more like self-hypnotism, and are intended to increase suggestibility and slowly remove the members from reality and critical thinking.
10. Former members are harassed, slandered and told to shut up about their experiences. I have had death threats, abusive e-mails and phone calls etc calling me "spiritually weak", "mentally ill", and "a criminal" among other things. Calling me a criminal is particularly ironic considering Ole Nydahl himself spent time in prison for drug smuggling and dealing. I am just glad I never signed up to the cult's magazine despite pressure to do so, or they would have had my home address too!
The only response to these so far has been personal attacks against people who Diamond Way consider 'enemies'. This is yet another typical cult tactic.
'"Karma Kagyu
DW is a part of the Karma Kagyu lineage
http://www.karmapa.org/info/index_info.htm (Several DW centers on the list)
Yes, Sharmapa and Thaye Dorje (one of the two claimants to Karmapa) support Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way and vice versa. This is not news.
The NKT claims to be part of the Gelugpa, too. Of course it is in Thaye Dorje's interests to support Ole Nydahl, because his cult gets rich off their members and funds Thaye Dorje's claim.
1. Lama
Ole Nydahl is entitled to use the title 'Lama':
Ole Nydahl's own website is of course not a neutral source of information.
This is not something from Lama Ole Nydahl himself, but official letters from the very top of the buddhist lineage he represent.
It is from www.lama-ole-nydahl.org - Ole's own personal site. This should not be made out to be a 'fact'.

2. Knowlegde
DW is not restricting information, as well as recommending students to read a variety of books:
Again, DW's own website.
Exactly! This is a Diamondway-buddhist website, recommending students a variety of book to study.
Of course they would claim that on their own site.
Maybe the logic reason for this, is that DW actually do want it's students to study?
Again, one-sided source, therefore should not be seen as a fact.
Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha ?

List of Claims (without any evidence!)

This list can be used for all what can not be considered evidence: Gossip, slander, unofficial/anonymous websites, personal experiences etc: Everything NOT backed up by proven facts:

DW is a cult:
Claims made by Diamond Way members
  • Anyone who criticises Diamond Way or Ole Nydahl is "mentally ill", a "criminal", "on a crusade", etc etc
  • Ole Nydahl is a Lama.
  • Diamond Way applies copyright to their texts, yet denies they have been edited by Ole Nydahl.
  • Diamond Way is not a cult/not restricting information/etc etc
  • Both Ole Nydahl and Diamond Way are whiter than white and have never been involved in any scandals or criticism, despite evidence of criticism stretching back to the 70's.

The Context

This is a little background information for those who wonder what this is about.
Some time ago, somebody started a crusade against the Buddhist Lama (teacher) Ole Nydahl. Motives still remains unknown for this crusade. Vague claims of emotional and sexual abuse, brainwashing, death threats and so on flows in a steady stream from somebody anonymous. This person do not bother with offering a direct example or any proof. This person do not want to go to the police either. Why?
This person seems to have started a cult of his/her own: A cult based on blind hatred to a Buddhist teacher that despite more than 35 years of teaching has not been involved in scandals. Unorthodox in his style, this teacher has attracted some criticism during the years; But always remained loyal to his own values and teachers. Some people respect him for his informal style, others think he is just an old hippie. Different opinions are nothing new, and yes controversial would be one of the first labels to put on this teacher. But why this blind hatred? Why start serious accusations against him and his organisation?
The background and motives for accusing the lama still remains unknown, but proves something about the internet: Be critical!
I would also urge people to be critical. For instance, doing a Google search for the words "ole nydahl cult" or "diamond way cult" brings up some interesting stuff that Diamond way would rather u didn't see!
Amusing to see that the diamond way cult is still trying to spread the idea that ole nydahl is a 'lama' and anyone who criticises him or diamond way is just "on a crusade", being "vague" showing "blind hatred" and denying the scandals and controversy surrounding their organisation. What a load of cods wallop!
his holiness lama ole nydahl and diamond way buddhism transmit the flawless teachings. u must have serious problems. r u on drugs maybe?

Les jeux sont faits

To quote Ed Rooney
'Les jeux sont faits. Translation: the game is up.'
The delicious irony of this utterly moronic wikifest, amongst other pointless forums, such as your blog and Facebook etc, is that you have cooked your own goose.
I haven't bothered to take part in any of these forums recently as you present almost no sport. You say google Diamond Way Cult but all this brings up is your own work. You use a discussion on Flickr as evidence.
Anyway, anyway... You've fabricated edvidence rather than repost other, more articulate complaints about Ole, with another of your red-hot 'leaks'. Ergo, you know you are ****ing in the wind. Self admission. What happens from here is irrelevant, I know that you know.
Epic, epic fail.
wow, u culties really do live in ur own little world

Warning About Ole Nydahl Diamond Way Buddhism

This is to warn you about a dangerous cult which rather misleadingly calls itself “Diamond Way Buddhism.” It is in fact a right-wing militaristic-style organisation which uses some very subtle brainwashing techniques to target vulnerable young people. This cult is lead by a man called Ole Nydal, a self-proclaimed Lama, who passes off his own opinion as Buddhist teaching, and who voices some profoundly anti-Buddhist ideologies. The cult is very hierarchical in its structure and will tolerate no criticism from its members. It uses advanced forms of hypnosis and trance inducing techniques to promote indoctrination and complicity as well as to boost the egos of its followers, and it is patriarchal, as is the nature of any fascist ideology. Unsurprisingly, the group has a large following in Germany, and the male members of this group have skinhead haircuts and proudly wear the uniforms of the German army. Ole Nydal is utterly intolerant of the Islamic faith and his “teachings” are designed to promote distrust and even racial hatred. He also promotes a backward view of women, saying that they are “by nature” weak and angry and that they should be appeased and seduced. This is something he regularly puts into practice, despite being in his 60’s, he regularly targets young and emotionally vulnerable female members of his group merely for sexual purposes, which he justifies by suggesting that he is “doing them a favour”!
Don’t let your children be seduced by this dangerous and deceitful cult.


This forum was useless

I came to this site to seriously look at the critisisms of diamond way buddhism and just found a few people personally attacking eachother's views, without putting anything useful forward to help those of us who have not drank any kool-aide, and are legitimately researching different Buddhist schools. The creator of this discussion obviously feels slighted in some way from the organization, and the responders are obviously biased in that anger has come up in reaction to their beliefs being attacked. So, thanks for nothing. I will go elsewhere for information, as this was wildly disapointing as a source.
Hate to disappoint you, sunshine, but forums aren't legitimate sources. They're places to incessantly ramble behind the protective cyber-veil of anonymity. If you want to "legitimately research" a Buddhist school, then read some history/philosophy and legitimately educate yourself. It's no wonder you're sucked into the Diamond Way cult.

Not a cult

Ole Nydahl is more or less a traditional Karma Kagyu Tibetan Buddhist dharma scene. It's tantric, Vajrayana Buddhism so it superficially appears utterly alien but at the core the focus is compassion, love and caring for fellow beings.
So traditional Kagyu Lamas use their followers for sexual favours and spread hatred and racism? Yeah, right.
Actually, what you just said is true. Traditional Tibetan Buddhist monks used to believe that there were energy circuits in our bodies that would get clogged up; one of the ways to clear them up was by occasionally breaking a taboo. One of the most popular taboos was -in fact- having sex with children. I don't think that this is [as?] socially acceptable among Tibetan culture today, but using someone for "sexual favors" [even children!] used to be encouraged. So yeah: that's ABSOLUTELY right.


Ole Nydahl is well known as a fraud, sexual abuser and racist. Please beware of his Diamond Way cult group and it's continued attempts to gain legitimacy. 14:46, 11 December 2009 (GMT)

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